Tears of Love Chapter 1

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Hey guys this is another new story that I have started today. My best friend had helped me out with the names and characters of this story. Anyway let me know what ya'll think about it and tell your friends about it if ya want to.


Before I go I'd like to dedicate this story to my best friend who is more like my sister than anyting. Without you this story would be imposible to even write.

Thank you Victoria and I love you sis!!

I also love my fans and I want to thank you guys for your support.

You guys rock!!

Thanks guys



Tears of Love

Chapter 1

I heard my alarm clock blaring in my ears as it went off. Groaning I shut it off and got out of bed to start my long day.

My name's Zoe Richards and I live in Casper, Wyoming with my abusive mom and dad. I'm an only child so I'm pretty much their punching bag everyday.

My dad is always drunk so half the time he doesn't know what he does unless he beats me up.

My mom just slaps me and she yells at me every chance she gets. She even tells me she wishes I was never born. She blames that on me because she thinks it's my fault that she got pregnant with me.

Sighing I get out of bed, grab my clothes from my closet, and go to the bathroom so I can take a nice hot shower.

As the hot water runs over me I relax in the shower. Everytime my parents beat me up I wait a while an then take a shower to relax my body and ease some of the pain.

Though today I'm lucky because they haven't beaten me up yet; which I'm glad.

I sigh as I get out of the shower knowing that hours later I'll just get back in again. I dry myself off with my towel and then get my clothes on.

Once I'm ready I look at myself in the mirror and gasp at what I see.

I have a cut on the right side of my eyebrow that was caused because of my dad being so drunk and I look at my neck and see the long scar that my mom had given to me almost a year ago.

I blink back the tears because the memory was strong it felt like it happened yesterday.

I fix my hair and walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs to the kitchen to find some of my parents' friends over talking to them.

I stop dead in my tracks and watch as my parents and their friends look up at my entry.

I take a slow shaky breath and say "I'm sorry I was just coming in here to make breakfast for everyone but I can see you guys are busy so I'll get ready for school."

I turned and went back up stairs shaking so bad. I ended up sitting on my bed because of how much I was shaking.

Minutes later I heard footsteps and they stopped at my door. I looked up in time to see my mom and dad stepping through with angry looks on their faces.

I was able to stop the shaking but not to much. My parents came into my room and shut my door and glared at me.

"How many times do we have to tell you to not come downstairs when our friends are around young lady?"

I let in a shaky breath and spoke with my voice shaking.

"A lot."

My mom walked until she was right next to me and she slapped me hard on the face.

I whimpered at the impact because of how hard she hit me. My dad came up and said "Oh suck it up girl, you should be happy that this is all we do."

And with that I felt him slap me against the right side where he had cut me not to long ago.

Not wanting to make them mad I held in my scream as I felt my cut begin to bleed again.

They glared at me once more and said "Now get you ass to school. We'll deal with you when you get home."

I nodded and grabbed my bag and darted out my bedroom door, down the stairs, and out our front door.

I got in my car and realized that my cut about my eyebrow was bleeding and I haven't cleaned it up. I sighed and realized I had a rag in there so I used it to apply pressure to my wound until the bleeding stopped.

Minutes later before I got to school, the bleeding had stopped and I realized I'd have to get inside and wash my hands before anyone noticed my blood on them.

Once I pulled into the school parking lot I dashed out of my car with my bag, ignoring the stares of the kids and ran into the school to the girls' restroom.

I dropped my bag and turned the water on and began to wipe the blood off my hands.

It took a couple minutes, but once I was done I grabbed a paper towel and dried my hands and wiped my wound.

Once I was done cleaning my wound I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and into a group of kids who I'd never want to mess with.

They all looked at me once I stepped out and stood there looking at me. I bit my bottom lip and didn't make eye contact with any of them.

I felt a hand under my chin and saw it was one of the guys and he had a sorrow look on his face.

"You alright Zoe?"

I nodded giving him a fake smile and said "Yea I'm fine, just felt like running this morning. Nothing to worry about."

He nodded and his friends walked away leaving me staring after them. It wasn't until I realized that he was Chase.

I smiled as I watched his group walk away but Chase turned around and smiled back and disappeared around the corner with his friends.

I walked to my locker to get the stuff I needed for class and then I headed to homeroom.

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