Makoto Tachibana

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"(Y/n)-Chan! It's embarrassing!" Makoto quietly whined.
"A dare is a dare, Mako!" I hissed around the piece of pocky in my mouth. He whimpered before placing the other end in his own mouth. The rest of the club watched intently as they set their OTP up for a kiss. After two bites, Makoto pulled away all flustered.
"I can't do this!" He squeaks frantically.
"Makoto!" Gou yells startling him. "Finidh the dare before we lose our minds!" Quickly, he re-latched onto the pocky before Gou could kill him and we continued the game. I could see beads of sweat rolling down the sides of his face and his lips were trembling a little.
However, once our lips touched, he went from shy and nervous to bold and confident. He wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me closer. I snuck my arms around his neck and scooted as close as I could get. Our lips danced to their own secret rhythm.
It wasn't until we heard the cat calls that we parted. We were both panting from the lack of air. Oh how air was such a wonderful thing.........not.
While my face must have been dusted in pink, his was painted red.
"(Y-Y-Y/n)" He stuttered both from lack of air and nervousness. "Tr-truth or dare?"
"Dare." I wheezed back.
""I d-dare you to k-kiss me again."

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