chapter five: a great plan

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Liam’s POV:

Blake, Taylor and I had come up with a plan.

We had decided that we would be giving out jobs for people and would not waste food, save up water for only desperate times, no one would be allowed in the shopping centre or any school canteen’s and if anything happened that I would be reported to Liam or I immediately. I headed over to the police station and grabbed a few 99 mil revolvers from a glass case and then headed back to the crowd.

Since we live in America I thought that most people would be able to shoot, so I asked the crowd who could shoot and surely enough 26 people could.

So I picked out the 15 toughest looking and I later found out that most of them could also fight and 1 one of them had a mutant powers. I walked over to the sopping centre and placed four guards on the entrance, four on the other entrance and two on the roof who had collect m16’s from their own home. Then I took the five left over to the school’s canteen and placed all five inside the canteen and told them if they ate anything they would lose their job and not be paid for any work they did ever again.

That should be enough I thought then walked back to the town plaza to find Blake and Taylor discussing what we would do without any adults. The first idea she came up was that had all been killed by a disease but that was silly so we decided against that then I thought that maybe on you’re fifteenth birthday you disappear so we agreed on that idea. Then we heard a shot and I sprinted toward the shopping centre to find that a stupid kid had been shot I the leg with an m16 by the snipers that I had placed on the roof.  How was I supposed to deal with a kid with a waterfall of blood pouring out of his leg? I ran over to him picked him up, yelled for whoever shot him to follow me and then ran to the plaza with the bleeding kid.

I got to plaza then I screamed for all the people who had a mutant power to come over in help

“Does anyone have the power of healing?” I asked

Then a little girl in a pink skirt walked slowly and touched the bleeding leg then almost straight away the blood disappeared then slowly a bullet came floating out of the kid’s leg then dropped to the floor. The boy woke up and asked causally what he was doing with all these people around him, then I told him that he had been shot in the leg because he where trying to get into the shopping centre. That made him very unsettled.

Then I had an idea.

Taken ( A Michael Grant Gone series fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now