Don't worry sacrificial_knife you're still Senpai
But I keep watching that scene and feeling bad for Jasper
"Please! I've changed... You-You changed me!"Even if she didn't mean it I'm still rooting for Jasper
Book Three: It's Like a Every Other Art Book, But A Lil' Different!
SonstigesCOVER IN PROGRESS. Heunekdne. pLEASE I NEED FRIENDS I like spamming you. Um, yeah. Homestuck-Obsessed, and I have a little drawing talent.
Jasper is new cartoon bae
Don't worry sacrificial_knife you're still Senpai
But I keep watching that scene and feeling bad for Jasper
"Please! I've changed... You-You changed me!"Even if she didn't mean it I'm still rooting for Jasper