Autumn Colour Palette Challenge!

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Since this is a challenge, not a contest, everyone who participates will receive a prize - one murder eac-
Nah, I'm just kidding.
But seriously, I do have a challenge!

Autumn (or Fall) officially begins on September 21st, and that's it a little less than a month.

I bought some skin tones today and I was looking around the art store for more supplies when I saw Halloween decorations and costumes covering half of it. It's not even September, guys. Calm down.

But I thought, 'Well, these stores are going crazy for Autumn, so what the heck! I'll do something too.'
And so.

I would like as many of you as possible to draw a Fall-related drawing. However, these are the unique rules-

~Only skin tones and these select Autumn colors may be used (yellow, orange, red, brown). Variations of those colors are accepted (light yellow or orange) but no blue, pink, etc.
~Please pen it nicely! Erase as much of the sketch as possible when you are finished. It just looks nicer.

So that's that! I'll try to tag some people to get it going. If I did not tag you, sorry! Of course you can still do the challenge!

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