Chapter 1: My Idol

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(Lachlyn's POV)

The day had been quite uneventful and I had been sending messages back and forward to Bri also known as TheHybridWarrior for the whole day just waiting for some sort of inspiration to hit me for my next fan-fiction. Little did I know that what would happen would be life changing. Anyway that's later on in the story, so me and Bri were having a lengthy chat on a website called Wattpad, wow that chat was exciting. It started out as any of our normal chats funny, exciting and very very interesting. Until we got to the subject of meeting each other, then one thing led to another and I started talking about a fan-fiction that I could write, which led to now.

I seem to be in Edenia but Edenia isn't real so I can't be in Edenia! But there is the grand palace, oh this is so confusing.

"Trespasser!" I hear someone yelling and it is a voice I know only too well to be Kitana's, but again Kitana isn't real! Oh this is all too confusing.

"You face me when I talk to you or do you not know how to respect royalty!" Kitana was yelling at me again.

"Princess I mean no disrespect but I am not of these parts I am from a different universe all together." I said as soothingly as possible trying to stop her from yelling at me.

"Look at me!" I started turning slowly when i felt one of Kitana's fans hit my rib with incredible speed and force, it felt like a buzz saw was trying to cut me in half until suddenly it retracted and returned to Kitana making me fall over.

"Fuck! Shit someone fucking help me!" I screamed in agonising pain, pain I had never felt before, I clutched at the wound where my new suit jacket had been torn, great thanks Kitana you ruined my suit! To be honest I am more worried about the jacket than I should be but I had just bought it and it was a nice suit. But god the pain in my chest and the side of my body is just  unbearable! How do the characters in Mortal Kombat take so much damage! I need to get it looked at but I have no allies in Edenia, or I think I don't.

The next morning I woke up in a green room, actually it was a specific green, a jade colour. Oh my god I'm in Jade's room wait a minute Jade isn't real! Okay okay keep it cool. Wait what happened last night for me to wake up here? Suddenly I heard the sliding door open and caught a really quick glimpse of Jade but that's not possible or logical she is my video game sweetheart! I closed my eyes to hide any evidence of me being awake, wait what was with this whole bandage wrapping around my chest.

"I know you are awake please do not pretend to sleep in my presence." Jade said shortly. Wow what did I do to her?

"Nothing at all but you pretended to sleep." Jade laughed walking over to me and removing the covers from over my body.

"Hey they were comfy!" I retort annoyed at Jade's action. That was so unfair, she knew how comfy they were, wait where did she sleep?!

"I slept on the couch hun and why do you think of so many questions but not ask them?" Jade asked tilting her head to the side. Wow she really could read my mind.

"Because I am not one to ask questions I do what I'm told at school and at home, also because I am not very popular at school so if I don't I tend to just get beat." I replied with a cold stare, my eyes had turned from their nice brown to a bright gold, one of many freaky things that happens in my everyday life without me wanting it too.

"Woah what's with your eyes?!" Jade asked taking a few steps back.

"Sorry." I shake my head and they return to normal. "Just something that happens, by the way I know you. You are... important to me, Jade."

"You know my name?!" She replied in shock drawing her shuriken aiming it at my head, at this point I was trying to keep calm and stop myself from fanboying all over her, which would end badly for me.

"Yes and I hope that's not a problem,  and I hope this isn't a problem either but I must show you some- Where the hell is my bag!?" I started frantically searching for my satchel with my pens and pencils, all my poems and drawings of Jade. Where the hell was it!

"You mean this." She was holding it up in her other hand and just swinging it. Why did Jade have it, even worse if she went through it she would have learnt about my feelings for her!

"Give that back!" I yelled going a bright red in the face launching and snatching at the bag without success. Ow ok not a good idea, she lowered her shuriken just to cut my back! Bitch, I mean I love her but that was just cruel!

Oh no if she goes through that then my life will be ruined, she would never want me she's more into Smoke. Please don't let her go through my bag. Please.

"I saw your drawings and I read some of your poems, they are all really quite well done." Jade said pulling her mask off and smiled. My god! Her face was so... so perfect.

"R-Really?" I stammered. But she... she just told me they were well done! 

"Yes." Jade winked and started to walk out of the door. "Anyway get up Kitana wants to speak with you."

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