Making a Decision

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(A/N another teensy bit of prologue here btw thank you guys for reading so here's chapter two!)

His arms around her.
His hands caressing her cheeks.
The same hands hitting her.
Then he vanished.
She felt empty.
Then she felt it.
Strong arms surrounding her, pulling her to safety.
That low deep voice that was ever so gentle and caring.
Those passionate red eyes.
That intense gaze.
Those lips, so gentle, so intoxicating

Naru woke up breathing heavily. Naru looked at her surroundings, she had been in Akatsuki for almost 2 years, so much had changed. For one Itachi plagued her mind. Another big change was the Kyuubi had been extracted, but Naru didn't die because the Akatsuki pumped her with chakra through the extraction, so now Kyuuubi-niisan walked around as if he was a normal person, and was one of the best members of the organization. A unforeseen side effect of Kyuubi presence in her body left Naru as a hanyou, there were no obvous side effects, except being able to activate her fox abilities in a battle or when she needed them, it was now more of a bloodline. Naru had close friends in the Akatsuki, which was a lot like a family now. Itachi was her lover, fiancee, and father to be. Biggest change of all, Naru was pregnant with twins.

And so with that Naru decided it was time to get up and move, she was 6 months into the pregnancy it was really beggining to show. Naruto dressed herself in a flowing black dress, she tied her hair in a high ponytail, letting her bangs fall down to frame her angelic face. Last but not least she put on her Akatsuki ring it was orange with the black kanjii for kitsune on. Naru had only stepped into the main Akatsuki lounge when she felt arms wrap around her.

"Gomen Naisai for leaving you in bed koi, how are the children today?" a voice softly murmured while kissing her neck.

"Their fine Ita-koi" Naru answered with a small smile, this is how it feels to be truly loved, this is my home now, I have Itachi and soon I will have children "Where are the others?"

"Hidans praying to Jashin, Kisame is wrapping Sameheda in bandages, Kakuzu is plotting ways for more money, Sasori is making a new puppet, Deidara is bothering Sasori, Zetsu is talking to himself, Tobi is annoying Zetsu, Leader-sama, Kyuubi-san and Hikari-san (the un-named member) kami knows what they are doing, but we are alone" Naru just inwardly smirked at his suggestive tone, he was only open like this around her, after their first meeting Naru had gotten increasingly frustrated with the Uchiha, he was unresponsive and emotionless, but that was nothing a little bit of seduction couldn't solve. Yes, that was right, the great Uchiha genius and prodigy, brought down by a few seduction tactics. Before Naru could do anything to outwardly acknowledge her fiancees suggestive tone, Kyuubi walked in. Upon seeing the look of disappointment that crossed his previous vessels face, he smirked. This of course angered Naru.

"What are you smirking at fox!"

"Just wondering if I walked in on something?" Kyuubi replied with a somewhat innocent tone.

"Grr, would you stop acting all high and mighty, your a mere human now, so stop acting like your to good to be around us!" and a very handsome human at that! No! bad thoughts Naru! he's your Nii-san remember! and you have a fiancee! But his red eyes are intense, and his hair is golden. Not sunshine yellow like mine, I wonder if its as silky as it looks, and that tanned skin with the young face you'd never believe this is the feared Kyuubi no Kitsune.

"I don't need to act high and mighty, because I am. And I only waste my breath around people who are worth my time, strangely enough you are, now come. Leader and Hikari want to talk to us." Naru though reluctant to leave her lovers arms obediantly followed her nii-san.

To say Naru was slightly uncomfortable would be an understatement, sure she was one of the most powerful members in the organization, but 3 people ranked above, those 3 people she just happened to be sat in the room with, though Kyuubi was the strongest and would protect her, she still respected and was wary of the other two. Hikari-san was a beautiful young woman who sported elegance and grace, she had blue hair with a flower in it and violet eyes, she was wearing a beautiful and feminine kimino, while her appearance was one of peace and fragileness, Naru knew to be wary of this one, she was gifted with power from the Shingami himself, she was allowed to see into the future, possible outcomes of what is to be. The Leader was also a powerful man married to Hikari, Naru didn't know much about him, but one spike from his chakra and you knew to fear him, she wouldn't be surprised if the man could give Kyuubi-niisan a run for his money. Naru once again shifted in her seat, she knew she was only one in Akatsuki to ever be allowed in these meetings, she was also one of the very few who had seen Leaders face and knew his true name, Akira Kazama was brother to the late Arashi Kazama and was therefore her uncle, he had auburn hair, the same cerulean eyes as Naru and four piercings on the bridge of his nose. With a slight ahem to gain Narus wandering attention Akira began the private meeting.

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