Converting and Showdown

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"Mou, Kyuu-sensei" Kaori whined, Kyuubi gave another sigh, he'd finally managed to shut the twins up for the night and now Kaori wanted something too, he just wanted to sleep GODDAMMIT!

"Nani!" He barked out

"I can't sleep" Kyuubi sighed again and rolled over to face the little red head, he raised an eyebrow at her saying 'so, what do you want me to do about it?' Kaori understanding the kitsunes use of body language continued with her request "So could you tell me a bedtime story?" Kyuubis eyes widened slightly at that. He the great Kyuubi was being asked for a bedtime story! What the hell could he make up to get her to go to sleep, she wouldn't exactly go to sleep with stories of blood lust, wars and death. Such a pity, it was his forte after all.

"I don't know any stories for ya, sorry kit, you'll have to suffer with temporary insomnia" Kyuubi was so caring, sympathy just rolled off him in waves. Che, As If. But Kyuubis beloved sleep would not come to him so easily, before his head even hit the pillow Kaori opened her mouth again.

"Mou, Kyuu-sensei"

"Nani" he growled out.

"Why didn't kaa-sama want us to go to Konoha?"


"Nani?" Kyuubi rolled his eyes, he just had to say memories didn't he, he knew for a fact the kits knew up to nothing about their parents pasts before Akatsuki, Kaori would be to intrigued to let the subject drop now. Hm, maybe he could kill two humans with one stone Narus past would make a great bedtime story.

"Ya know what kit? I've got a bedtime story for you after all. It's a tale of horror, angst, tragedy, comedy and romance."

"Sugoi!" Yep, he had Kaoris attention, hook, line and sinker. The kitsune inwardly smirked, Konoha wouldn't know what had hit them once he was through with this story, messing with his vessel would cost them a price, the Akatsuki Four and Naru were blatant proof of what Konoha had lost out on. Not to mention a certain duck-butted Uchiha.

"Sounds awesome!"

"Ne, Kyuubi-sensei, how come you never told me it!"

"Shut-up Ama! your disturbing the mood!"

"Shut-up yourself teme!" And apparently he had the attention of the other two as well.

"Once upon a time there lived a ferocious demon, who was feared by all other tailed demons. The demon was called the Great Kyuubi No Kitsune, the Nine Tailed Fox. One day Kyuubi grew pissed off with a certain shinobi village in the Land Of Fire, the village was called Konoha, the silly little ninjas had been leaving their lights on and partying constantly in celebration of something to do with their Hokage, the poor Kyuubi wasn't getting any sleep because of their loudness, so one day he decided to go talk to the village, but the village was evil and cruel and instantly sent out their best ninja to capture the Kyuubi for they wanted to harness the awesome power it held. A great battle ensued, until finally the Yondaime Hokage confronted the Kyuubi, he had found a way to harness Kyuubis power and turn it into a weapon for the village. The Hokage sealed the Great Kyuubi into a newborn baby, your mother." Kyuubi inwardly snickered, okay so he tweaked the story in favour of his actions, the kids would still hate Konoha anyway. "As your mother grew the villagers would treat her despicably seeing her as only a weapon and nothing more than a demon, she was often beaten and insulted, the village treated their traitors and murderers better then they treated her. But none treated her worse than your mothers first love, your fathers younger brother, and in my opinion a gay ass twat who ran off to a paedophile snake, one Uchiha Sasuke..."


Sasuke hated Itachi, he really hated him. He destroyed his life when he was 8 years old, and it was still destroyed to this day, why? Simple, because Itachi was nowhere to be found, Sasuke was unable to return to the love of his life. No not tomatoes, (though they were good as well) Naru. How he missed Naru, he wanted to hold her and tell her how much he loved her, but unfortunately he'd had to hit her and insult her, it had been the only way to make sure she didn't follow him and hold him back from his revenge.

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