A Kunoichis Wrath

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Naru slowly woke up blinking back her sleepy haze, she could feel those arms around her, how she loved to lye in this warmth, but then she heard it, the new found bane of her existence.

"Ita-kun, go sort them out", Itachi who had been awake but just enjoying the feeling of his wife's skin against his, just gave a low grumble,

"Please Ita-kun, you're more of a morning person then I am" this was received with another grunt, Naru sighed, her husband was such a lazy git, maybe they would calm down by themselves, she listened to whatever her kids were yelling the roof down for now.

"Kyaaaaaah, Hidan! I told you Kuroda is not allowed to join your religion" Kai yelled attempting to discipline a S-Class Criminal, che like that was gonna happen...

"Mou, Onii-san!" Kuroda whined

"Kuroda, you can't mum said so." Kai replied, oh the benefits of being the eldest... telling your siblings how to live their life, fun ne?

"Ne, Kai, stop being a mommas boy!" was the cocky remark from his twin Kumiko

"Urusai, Ama!" Kai yelled!

"Make me teme!" (wonder who she learnt that from) Kumiko yelled in return, whilst the twins were arguing, Hidan had slipped away and Kuroda was hallucinating. This was the scene young Kaori walked in on, with a sigh she knocked on her parents door.

"Kaa-san, tou-san, can you come and calm everyone down." she asked in her polite manner, Naru and Itachi realising their defeat reluctantly left the warmth of each others body, quickly dressing they stepped out of the room to confront the commotion. Kuroda was on the floor crying, and Kai and Kumiko had now included their fists into their argument and Kaori was stood by the door with her fan in front of her face, her eyes just peeking over. Naru studied each one in turn, when did life get this hard? the twins argue too much, Kurodas hallucinations are just being encouraged by Hidan and Kaoris too shy. with a sigh Naru and Itachi began to calm and separate the furious siblings.

"ne, guys can't you learn to be quiet in the mornings" Itachi moaned to his children. Kai and Kumiko were about to argue back, but Kaori elbowed them before bowing and saying:

"Gomen, tou-san" seriously, she was way too polite.

With everyone dressed and..ahem... slightly calmer, they went to see The Leader. Now then lets explain Narus lifestyle shall we? Naru was part of the village of Akatsuki, it was hidden in a mountain, their Kage was Akira Kazama and the council was made of her, Itachi, Zetsu, Kyuubi, and Hikari. The village hadn't expanded enough for an ANBU, their number was only of a small 200+, but Sasori, Hidan, Kakuzu, Kisame, Deidara and Tobi were the villages top Jounin. The village consisted of missing-nins, who were given titles depending on their rank (s-rank, b-rank etc.), there were very few genins, but it was well known that the youngest generation, who were without doubt quite powerful already, had the most potential of all, and leading the new generation, was the Akatsuki Four. Kai, Kumiko, Kaori and Kuroda, were the Akatsuki Four, the legacies of some of the most powerful ninjas in existence, weird thing was, they weren't even ten. The new village of Akatsuki, had only made their presence announced last year, the time was right to step into the eye of the other villages, problem was the council were unsure of how, so it was left to Akira, yesterday he had announced that he had come up with the solution, and it involved the Akatsuki Four, so the small family was on their way now to meet him, they knew who else would be at the meeting, all the Akatsuki members from before the expansion.

Naru looked at her kids, they were powerful and full of potential but they were still kids. Kai was the oldest and the leader, he was a spitting image of his father, his bangs framing his hitai-ate but his hair had no ponytail, he wore a dark blue t-shirt, without the turtle neck, and black shorts, he had leather straps and bandages on his arms, it pained Naru to look at Kai sometimes, because he was also the spitting image of another particular Uchiha. Kumikos bangs also framed the hitai-ate she wore on her forehead, she had long black hair which reached her waist, her blood red eyes, gave her a bloodthirsty look, which wasn't helped by the leather pants and leather strap top she wore it showed off her arms, her arms were covered in black kanji, spelling words such as death and blood, Kyuubi had such an influence on her. Kaori was probably the prettiest, her hair was a red version of Ankos, except it wasn't tied up, she always had a cute embarrassed blush on her cheeks, she was a big fan of red, she wore a blood red version of what Narus old team-mate Sakura wore, except with black cycling shorts, strapped to her arms and attached to her waist belt were fans, lots of them, small but powerful. Kuroda was the cutest, she was the most similar to Naru, her blond hair tied in pigtails, she wore a cute little black dress with white lace along the edge, she had yet to receive her hitai-ate unlike her siblings, the only thing she carried was a doll, and a scary one at that, it was a kind of horror movie doll, thing was you always thought it was looking at you, amongst her thoughts Naru realised they had arrived at the Kage Tower.

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