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frnk: sorry about that dude

Hesitant 👽: it k just how do you accidentally type in gerardgaythejacketslut ???

frnk: fuk

Hesitant 👽: E X P O S E D

frnk: aNyWhO

Hesitant 👽: what is it "frnk"

frnk: sExCuSe YoU

Hesitant 👽: ???

frnk: mi nam is frank

Hesitant 👽: okie dokie artichokie

frnk: wtf dude

Hesitant 👽: fuck gotta go

frnk: y is that

Hesitant 👽: my brother's calling me for something bye

frnk: adios amigo

okie i'm bored so lots of rapidfire updates

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