CHAPTER IV: The Opposite

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»Song for the whole chapter: Left Hand Free by Alt-J (Lido Remix)«

»Song of the action scene at the end of the chapter: Caligula by Ghostemane «

March 9th, 1984
6:27 a.m.

"So you're grounded too?"Nancy asked over the phone.

"Yeah, my mom was pissed."I sighed as I leaned against the wall next to the phone.

"Yeah I figured she would be, the only parents that weren't mad were Steve's."Nancy said.

"Aren't they out of town?"I asked.

"Yeah, they told Steve that they needed some time to themselves."Nancy said.

"I would do the same thing if I had a son like Steve."I said truthfully into the phone.

"Jonathan..."Nancy sighed.

"What? He punched me first. I have a black eye and bruised lip to prove it."I told her.

"In his defense, you did kiss his girlfriend."Nancy said.

"No, I kissed you. The girl that is way out of his league, yet she still likes him. He doesn't own you, no one does."I told her.

"You know, you don't have to date Steve, right? There are better guys out there."I added.

"Jonathan, I'm not dating Steve because I feel like I have to. I'm dating him because I want to, I like him. I might even love him!"Nancy exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. I'm sorry."I sighed. I didn't really mean that I was sorry, but I didn't want her to hang up or be angry with me.

"I talked to Steve earlier and he said that he's sorry. He was waiting for me to give the okay so that he could come apologize and so that you two could talk it out."Nancy said and I snickered internally.

"Yeah, well I'm grounded so no one can come over. Plus we have school, he can do it then."I said, not really wanting to talk to him.

"Steve kind of wants to skip school today, and I was thinking that me and you could go with him. You know, to hang out and make up for last nights drama."Nancy said hopefully.

I wanted to say no so badly, but I couldn't. Not to her. I loved her. However, I really didn't want to see or even think about Steve.

"Fine."I sighed.

"Great, meet us in the school parking lot."Nancy said, the excitement evident in her voice.

March 9th, 1984
7:45 a.m.

"Hey, bones!"I heard someone call from behind. I turned around to see Tommy jogging towards me. He looked pissed.

"Didn't last night teach you anything? Stay the hell away from me, you sick bastard."I told him through gritted teeth.

"What are you talking about, skinny?"Tommy asked.

"Last night, I hurt you."I said.

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried, babe."Tommy teased.

"Tommy, I hurt- You know what? Whatever. What do you want, asshat?"I asked.

"Ooh, feisty. I was just wondering if you would like to finish what we started last night."Tommy said cheekily.

"Right here?"I asked.

"Mhm." He said as he put his hands on my waist and came closer. I then punched him in the face and he backed away holding his bloody nose in his hand.

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