CHAPTER VIII: Will's Obsession

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»Song of the chapter: Which Witch by Florence & the Machine«
(Sorry, I love that song)

July 2nd, 1984
2:30 p.m.

   Her. She's all Will has been taking about for months. He wants to know everything about her.

   Who she is.

   Where's she from.

   What happened to her.

    And how she ended up in Hawkins.

   Will's obsessed with her. He's can't get AJ Jones out of his head. My mom now knows about the trip we took with Hopper because of Will, and she is not happy about. He just won't shut up about her or the trip. Steve teases him a little bit and say that he must love her, but everyone knows what the real reason behind his obsession is.

   He doesn't understand her and she scares him.

   Will is a special type of person. You see, when he gets scared by something he doesn't let it go. He obsesses of the things that he's afraid of until they don't bother her anymore or until he knows everything there is to know about them. That trait is a blessing and a curse, but right now it's mainly a curse because he won't let go of the monster or Eleven or AJ. Or even the boys that used to pick on him, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas.

   "Okay, so I found something else out about AJ."Will said as he sat down next to Dustin in the Wheelers' basement.

   "What is it?"Lucas asked, becoming alert.

   Not only is Will obsessed, but now so are all of his friends. He is partially to blame for that since he keeps sharing all of his finds about her with them. Besides Will, Mike is the most interested in her because of Eleven.

   "She's adopted by a woman named Sandy King. AJ also has one sister named Linda King. Sandy is a widow so her last name isn't her maiden name. Her maiden name is Harmon."Will said.

   "Will, how did you find this information?"Nancy asked.

   "Officer Holt gave me her hospital records, which also contains a copy of her adoption papers."Will stated.

   "You're still talking to Holt?"Mike asked.

   "Yeah, me and Hopper both are. He's been a big help."Will answered.

   "Hopper's in this too?"I asked.

   "Yeah, the police department is making him work with the detectives on the investigation. He's like their assistant. He gets the info and they assess it."Will explained.

    "Wait, so where did her last name come from?"Dustin piped in.

   "Huh?"Will asked.

   "AJ Jones. Where did the Jones come from?"Dustin asked.

   "That's what the weird part is. No one knows. You see someone renamed her from number 014 (oh-one-four) to AJ Jones. And then-"Will was then cut off by Lucas.

   "Wait, who's 'someone'?"Lucas asked.

   "No one knows. There's no record of a legal name change, but somehow they went from marking her down as 014 to AJ Jones."Will explained. "And when Sandy began to foster her the state legally changed her name to Alice James Jones. Then a few years later, on AJ's fifth birthday, Sandy adopted her. However, Sandy didn't change her last."

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