Chapter Three

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Paris's Pov.

At My House


"How could you be so nice to him, I wanted to walk away." Julia said and many of the others in the group agreed.

"Well before he made it there, when you guys were making up your mind about him, I got a feeling inside of me. There was a feeling that I need to change him into a good guy and I knew it was a message from God sent to me by the Holy Ghost. But I was also acting like Jesus would act even though Bryant may have broken a lot of rules and you guys should have to and that ahamed me that I had to mention that and you guys didn't know better." I said unhappily.

"We are sorry and we should have know and even if we did not like him we should have followed in your example." Julia said while the others agreed.

"Well I forgive you and you guy remember to repent about it so Heavenly Father will forgive you and you guys better head out before you guys are late for what ever you guys do."

As they got in their cars and drove off, I stood on the porch and waved goodbye to them. After that I headed up to my room to change into my work clothes and think of a plan to change Bryant into a good Mormon and also change others ideas about him while I change him.

While driving to work I turn on Gold By Britt Nicole, who is my favorite singer!!

*insert Gold Video*

At Work


So I work at Burger King, I know weird but I don't always want to depend on my parents money. So I was working as a cashier for this week and of course Bryant has to roll in with his group, and they all have girls on their arms except Bryant.

So of course I smile and take their orders, Bryant is last.

"So may I take your order?" I asked him with my best smile.

"I'll take a small milkshake, medium size Sprite, and two whopper Jr with fries. Can the milkshake be picked up after I eat." He asked I as I give him his cup for his drink.

"Sure, your number is seventy-eight and here is your change." I say as I hand him his change and recet.

He waits a minute, takes out a pin, writes something down on the receipt and then says No honey this is my number and walks off like he owns the place.

So after he gets his drink,he sits down by a girl and they start kissing. So when his meal is ready so I call his number out and instead of him coming to get it a girl he was kissing comes up and grabs it. Before she left, she asks for his recept and tells me to stay away from her man.

'Well she won't have to worry about me and her man because I only date Mormons so I don't lead anyone else on who would not be able to marry me in the temple' I though as she walked away.

Ten minutes after they leave we close up and it's my turn so I have to stay later then my coworkers so I can count the money, lock up, and head to the bank to deposit all the money for the end of the day.

So as I walked to my car, I notice something on the window and realise that it's Bryant's recept taped to my window and it's the same except it now says From your Bad Boy, Bryant. I snatched it off my window throw it in my purse and head to the bank. After the bank, I head home, shower, and even though I am dead tired, I bow down my head and give God my thanks for the day, my blessings of the day, and even ask for guidance to help me to be able to change Bryant into the way God wants him to be without forcing him to be that way.

I say Amen and as soon as my head hits the bed, I slip into one of my rare, dreamless sleeps. 

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