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The bed started moving and the weight got lighter I sat up and he Javan started to get dressed. All this nigga do is go out he be flying from place to place like a fucking bird. He don't spend time with me at all he just be expecting me to sit at home and do nothing well guess what................. That's not happening today. I got my ass up and shut the door right in his face he gave me that "nigga really" face and I gave him that "yess nigga really Tf you thought this was" face he pushed me off him and started to walk out.

Me: nigga you walk out that door and when you come back I ain't gonna be here

He reversed back in and turned around I just crossed my arms and looked at him

Him: man why you tripping I ain't did shit to you.

Me: I'm not fucking tripping you obviously don't have time for me your girlfriend Unika remember me or are you too busy to

He rolled his eyes and like that disrespectful nigga he is he looked me in my eyes and just walked right out the door. He think I'm joking huh ok then Imma show this nigga I ain't playing. Got my suitcase out the closet and started packing all my shit in it. He came right back in here shut the suitcase and pushed me down on the bed with my arms pinned down to the bed

Me: get off of me Javan

Him: Nah what's your problem because I know it ain't that time of the month yet


Him: So what I can't go to work and make money

Me: Javan it's 8:00 on a Sunday morning

Him: and your point is

He asked me looking around the room trying to figure out what my point was

Me: who works on a Sunday

Him: me Tf

Me: ok then tell me where Tf you work

Him: as long ass I'm making money to put a roof over your head and get your spoiled ass everything you want do not fucking question me unless you wanna get a job and buy all the shit you want yourself

Me: so what I'm not supposed to question why Tf you be coming home at 3-4 in the morning what job finishes at those times

Him: oh idk a job that offers overtime

Me: so what you rather work overtime then spend time with me your girlfriend

Him: did you hear that come out of my mouth

I'm just gonna give up because ik that if I continue with this shit he's just gonna get even more disrespectful

Me: you know what you go do your shit and Imma do mines

He rolled his eyes and left. Well this shit is great right, I ain't about to sit here and wait for him to never come home. So called Kaylah my best friend.

Phone call:

Her: hello

Me: hey kaylah got any plans today

Her: nope I'm free all day Chris gone out to see his mom why.

Me: ok see well me and Javan got into it again because I wanted his ass to stay and spend time with me but like always he gotta go to his unknown job. I really don't see why he can't tell me where he works, but whatever. I'm not about to sit here and wait for him to never come home, so you wanna go out tonight.

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