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Unika ain't talk to me in 3 days but I ain't Tripping because ion needa hear her annoying ass mouth. But today I'm off ion got no shit to do but go and see my daughter I miss her even though I saw her yesterday. Shit my weeks been busy as hell. Unika was asleep beside me still but she was facing the other way. Her annoying over dramatic ass probably gonna do some petty shit. I finna get out this bed and try not to wake up the witch herself. She like a fucking bee buzzing all in your ear but worse because this shit all day. She really don't know when to stfu. Eventually Imma end up doing something to her that I regret. Shit I been going through this shit for years I'm surprised I didn't slap the shit outta her yet. She started so toss and turn in her sleep then she woke up. Me not wanting to hear her mouth got up and went straight into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then I got out, I went into the room with a towel around my waist Unika wasn't on the room anymore so I guess she's downstairs. It's summer so it's hot af Imma just put on so basketball shorts and a white t-shirt and my airforce 1s. Then I put some jell in my thick curly hair. With all the shit I'm mixed with I have nice hair and eyes my eyes are either green or blue. Shit idk they stay changing colour. I was freshening up myself and shit when Unikas phone rang I ignored it the first 2 times the it rang the third time who the fuck is calling her phone like that. I picked it up and she had their name as future💘😍. I swear if this bitch go another nigga in her phone Imma fuck her up future💘😍 better be the mf artist. So I answered the phone and put it to my ear I didn't say shit so the nigga started talking first.

??: hey baby I know your nigga probably home so you can't talk but I just wanted to know if you was finna come over today

Me: yo who the fuck is this

??: shit ummm this her cousin

I chuckled

Me: nigga Imma let you pass with a warning ight so the next time you call my girls phone you won't be waking up the next morning nigga you've been warned and if you don't believe me then call back this number.

I hung up right after I said the last word I jogged downstairs with the phone still in my hand. She was in the kitchen drinking coffee. I looked at her for a good minute the chuckled and turned away she looked at me. That "nigga what the fuck do you want" look came on her face and she rolled her eyes.

Me: so, you cheating on me?

Her: oh so now your accusing me of cheating

Me: nah I already know the answer

Her: what the fuck are you talking about

Me: I'm talking about future

She gave me a confused look

So I took out her phone and showed her the call

Me: who the fuck is this Unika

Her: why are you going through my phone hold up why you even answer my phone

Me: ok well let's see 1. I bought this shit 2. I pay the fucking bill and 3. Because you have another nigga calling your phone repeatedly

Her: so you don't trust me Javan

I started laughing

Me: bitch don't ask me if I trust you or not if you still haven't answered my question. who the fuck is this nigga

Her: bitch? Look ill tell you who he is if you tell me who the fuck Camia and Aria are. Till you tell me I ain't telling your ass shit

I froze and bit my lip and looked away. Who Tf told her how she know about them names.

Me: where did you hear those names

Her: someone named Camila told me you know them and you always seeing them. So who Tf are they. You really cheating on me with 2 other bitches

Camila is Camias sister how Tf she get her number everything is falling down on me right now

Her: by the looks of it you know then Javan. You really cheating on me, who the fuck are these bitches?

I sighed I'm not ready to tell her yet.

Me: look man I gotta go

With that I left the house


I'm confused right now. Yes I'm cheating on Javan but I started to feel guilty for it so I was gonna stop it. He never spends time with me so I had no choice but to seek attention from someone else. But what I wanna know is who the fuck these Aria and Camia bitches are. When I asked him it's like he couldn't even come up with anything to say so it obviously is something deep and I mean deeper than just cheating but I don't know what looks like Imma have to do some investigating. I picked up my phone and ended it with Ryan aka future in my phone. I went back into our room and just sat on the bed damn I'm bored so I called Kaylah. Who is busy I'm mad bored. So I went on Instagram and started lurking. I went on javans page. And started reading these comments he gets mad comments and likes on his post like no bitches you needa back the fuck up he gotta girl. I started clicking on some pages and going through his tags till I found a picture. A picture of him, some light skinned girl with blond hair and......................a little girl, who was around 2 or 3 the caption said................."family goals😍💖" this don't make any sense at all "family goals"? Wtf? So there was a tag on the blond headed women I clicked on and and it brought me to her page her user name was @princesscami and her said Camia Williams I started lurking on her feed till I saw a picture of a little girl.................the same little girl from that group picture................the caption said Aria misses her daddy. I started lurking more and I started seeing more and more of that girl and the little girl, till I got down to where she was just pregnant that was in 2014 so the little girl is 3 year old. There was a picture that caught my attention there was a picture of the pregnant girl and Javan and he had his hands on her belly and he was smiling I started taking screenshots and started sending them to Kaylah because this shit is not right at all. I went back to his page and started go down his feed there was not one picture of her or the little girl. I went back onto her page and went down to what seemed like a picture in the hospital she was on a hospital bed holding a baby girl. With greenish blue eyes she was light skinned and she had dimples. The caption said "welcoming Aria Royal Garcia. Garcia is Javans last name. Right then and there I figured out something that deeply hurt me more than anything in this world...................................... He has a daughter a 3 year old daughter at that. But she's 3 years old we have been together for 4-5 years? So.................he cheated on me in the second year of our relationship. I had tears pouring out of my eyes I couldn't believe it I didn't want to at all but this explains so much about him it explains why he don't want kinds right now. He broke my heart into 1 million pieces. I threw my phone down and laid back with my head against the pillow I put my arms over my head and started sobbing hard I don't even know what to think right now. He has a whole other family out there. I'm not interested in having his second kid at all.  Love. I just shook my head. He probably doesn't even love me that probably why he treats me so fucking bad. I tried to make him happy I did everything and this the is what I get back.

Plz comment guys it took me a whole fucking week to write this update. So please comment and don't give me them dry ass boring ass comments

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