Chapter 1

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Hi my names Y/n, and I have a toe fetish. JK I DON'T, feet are gross. Well today is the day I take my little sister to go see Fifth Harmony. I'm starting to regret it though because that little douche made me wake up at 6 in the morning. I laid in bed for about 20 minutes, and then I decided to get up and go to the bathroom that was connected to my room. Riley aka my sister slept over my house so I didn't have to drive to my parents house and pick her up.
After I was done with the shower I dried myself off, and changed into ripped black skinny jeans and a muddy green t-shirt with 2 black strips on the sleeves. I finished changing, and I ran down the stairs NEARLY FALLING TO MY DEATH. Riley was on the couch blankly staring at me with an unamused look on her face.
"Ohhh kay... I'll just wait in the car" She said as she got up and left. I stood there contemplating what I was doing with my life for a few minutes. You freaking screw bag. I headed outside, and locked the door to my house. I entered the car, and the first thing my sister said was, "you better not do or say anything dumb when we meet them."
"Oh shush Riley I'm smooth as a pickle" I said while trying to be cool, but totally failed. "First off pickles aren't smooth, and second that's not what the stairs said..." I chuckled at what she said. "So y/n where are we headed since we've got like 3 hours." I put my car in drive and drove out of my driveway. "Well I was thinking we should probably go out for breakfast somewhere close to the stadium." She nodded, and turned the faint fifth harmony music up.
2 1/2 hours later
We were waiting in line at the stadium to get our tickets checked. We ate like 30 minutes ago but I'm still hungry.
Once they checked our tickets they let us inside. Out of no where Riley yelled "I'm SO EXCITED for soundcheck, AND I HOPE THEY CHOKE ME." I couldn't form words at what this kid just said. "Cool as cucumber" is all I could say. We were right in the middle in the second row. When they came out for soundcheck Riley screamed so loud I thought my ear fell off. The Fifth girls sang a few songs, and answered a couple questions. I'm not even going to lie they were pretty hot. They sent us backstage with the others that had VIP, and now they are making us wait in another line. "Y/n I NEED Lauren To punch me in the face."
"Why don't you just let me punch you in the face instead" I said jokingly. "Because you are not Lauren" she said while moving forward along with the line. Riley talked to me about the girls while we waited.

A few moments later

We were next, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. "Remember y/n smooth as a cucumber" right when Riley said that the lady said next. We entered anD JESUS CHRIST THEY ARE BREATHTAKING! I stood to the side because I wanted all the attention on my sister. The talking between the six girls died down, and one of the girls noticed me she was very short may I add. "Hi there my names Ally" she said very happily. Before I could finish saying hi she attacked me in a hug along with the other girls. "You guys sisters?" the girl with the cold green eyes asked. All I could do was nod. One with beautiful melting chocolate eyes said "I could tell you're both very pretty." For a second there I felt my cheeks heat up, and that caused them to actually heat up. Riley looked over at me, and just smirked. "I'll just stand over here while you guys take pictures" I said while walking towards the photographer. I was stopped with a loud no. "Jesus that scared the living deer lights out of me" I had my right hand on my knee and my left over my heart. I heard a few giggles come from the girls. "I mean no, you should take a picture with us too" the one with the melting chocolate eyes told me. I walked over and stood on the end next to her. She whisper "my names Camila by the way." I hummed and said "my names y/n." She turned to look at me. Her small face looking up at mine, and for a second I got lost. "I've never heard that one before, I like it" she said with a small smile. I'm sure everything she was saying and doing was just part of her job, so I didn't think much of it. It was time to go. I was pretty bummed out for some reason, but my sister looked happy so that made me happy. "Hey.. um before you go can I... um maybe you know follow you on Twitter?" She asked shyly fidgeting with her fingers. I couldn't help but to smile a little bit. Camila unlocked her phone and gave it to me. Before I went to Twitter I sneaked my way into her contacts TOOK SHAWNS NUMBER AND MADE A RUM FOR IT jk jk that's a joke. I saved my number into her contacts and I put my name as 'NO'. I went to Twitter typed my name quickly, and followed myself. I handed her phone back, and the girls all said goodbye. Riley smirked at me the whole way back to our original seats at the stadium. "Why are you smirking at me" I asked while taking a seat at our front row middle seats. "You've got a little something in you for Camila" she said wiggling her eyebrows. "I do not" was all I could manage to get out. I quickly dug into my wallet pulled out $120, and gave it to her, so I could avoid anything else she wanted to say. "Go crazy with the merch, and whatever your gayness wants." She glared at me, but then giggled and ran off with the money. She's crazy if she thinks that I've got a little thing for one of the girls of Fifth Harmony.
A/n: sorry it's short but I'm just trying to get out there so you guys can have it sooner. I promise I'm going to make the chapters longer. Make sure leave comment about what you think. Have a good day gay children.

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