Chapter 3

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I woke up to a loud crash. Which I'm assuming came from the kitchen. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and noticed I wasn't in my house. Then I remembered I crashed at Chloe's place. I walked to the kitchen, and saw Chloe picking a few pots off the floor. She was wearing black booty shorts, and a white crop top. "Having trouble?" I asked while taking a seat at the island. "Good morning Y/N, and I wasn't able to reach the pans from the pan rack" she said with a small smile. "I was going to make breakfast but I'm not the best cook."
We just sat there in silence. She was staring into my eyes, and I was staring into hers. I slowly started to move in. Before we could connect our lips my phone rang. I internally groaned, and apologized. I don't know if I was sorry my phone rang or sorry that I almost kissed her. I picked up my phone without looking at the caller ID.

Me: Hello who is this?

Riley: someone sounds a little

Me: what do you want Riley?


Me: it better be

I ended the call, and rolled my eyes. "Chloe I got to go, but it was nice hanging out with you" I said while hugging her. I opened her front door to leave. "Wait" she walked over to me. "You forgot something" she wrapped her arms around my neck, and connected our lips. I immediately kissed back. Before the kiss went past its innocence she pulled away, and giggled. "Bye Y/N" she said with a darker shade in her eyes. I cleared my throat and said bye. I excited her house quickly, and sped walked to my car. I entered my black jeep, and just sat there for a minute.
I don't know how to feel about the kiss, but there was some type of emotion, but I can't put my finger on it. I started my car, and drove over to my parents house.

20 minutes later

I knocked on door, and I started to worry a little. Riley sprung the door open, and dragged me inside quickly. "Riley hold on let me say hi to mom."
"Ok but hurry up."
I walked to the kitchen where I found my mom cooking. "Hey mom, how are you doing?"
"Hey sweetie it's nice to see you, I'm doing good" my mom said happily while hugging me. "Dad working?"
"Yeah he gets out at night 9 if you want to wait for him, and we can have a late night family dinner?"
"Yeah of course."

I walked out of the kitchen, and up the stairs. This better be important or I'm going to be really irritated. I sighed and open the door to her room. "Took you long enough" she said pacing back and forth. "Why did you call me especially when I was in the middle of something important." She always does this. She calls me over saying it's an emergency, and then tells me something dumb. "Brace yourself Y/N ready?" No. "NEW PICTURES OF CAMREN HAVE SURFACED THE INTERNET!!"
"That's it I'm leaving" I said while getting up. "SIT DOWN RIGHT NOW L/N." I've never sat down quicker in my life. "That's not the reason I called you over"
"YOU" she sternly pointed at me.
"You never told me Camila followed you on Twitter I thought we were G's" she said with a whiny voice.
"She didn't follow me, I technically followed myself."
"That doesn't matter Y/N she still follows you which means you can DM her. Have you talked to her?"
This kid is insane.
"She DMed me yesterday asking if I was Y/N, but that's it" I said while chuckling not knowing where this was going. "YOUVE GOT THIS GREAT CHANCE TO TALK TO HER AND YOU ARENT EVEN TAKING ADVANTAGE OF IT!"

I asked while growing impatient "Riley what do you want?"
"It's not a want it's a need L/N."
"Ok then what do you need?"
"I need you to at least go out with her" she said crossing her arms.
Shaking my head and standing up I said "Wow calm down there cowgirl I can't do that plus I'm trying to get with Chloe."
"I dare you" she said with a little smirk while narrowing her eyes.
I never back down from a dare.
A/N: sorry it's really short, but I wanted to leave it at a small cliffhanger. I also really wanted to upload today so I can try to upload chapter 4 tomorrow. Sorry for any mistakes. Don't know how I'm going to write smut if Im already uncomfortable with just writing booty shorts😂😂

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