Mystrey Roomate

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Alex's POV

I'm finally at UNC after a gruelling 5 hour flight and trying to pry away from my overly protective parents. My taxi let me out after telling me where my dorms are. I'm on the soccer team so I will be rooming with someone on my team. I'm pretty nervous about having to share a room with a complete stranger but I'm also excited to meet my new best friend for the next year if not more.

I haul all my luggage over to a fold out table sitting in the middle of the dorms and get my room key and find out who my roommate is. Tobin Heath? I wonder who that could be.  I walked down the hallway to my room anxious to see if Tobin would already be in there.

When i arrived at the door I slid the key card through the lock only to find an empty room. The room was actually pretty nice because the soccer team gets the best dorms. There is a small kitchen with a table and two rooms. One on the left and one on the right. I picked the room on the left and set my stuff down on the bed. I decided to unpack later and go explore the campus while I wait for my roommate to arrive.

I was almost out the door when my phone starts to ring. I look down to see that Kelley is calling me. "What's up Kells", I answer.

"Hey Alex, are you on campus yet?", Kelley questioned.

"Yah, I'm just heading out to explore now, wanna join me?", I asked her.

"Hell yah, I'll meet u in the lobby loser", Kelley said before hanging up.

I walked back down to the lobby to find and exited Kelley bouncing around waiting for me. I have known Kelley for about 5 years now. We met in grade 8 and just clicked. She is probably the most energetic person ever but she is the most caring and genuine person you will ever meet.

"ALEX!", Kelley squeals as she runs to me and wraps me in a bone crushing hug.

"Geez Kells I just saw you two days ago!", I manage to get out as she squeezes the life out of me.

"I know but that's too long!", she exclaims. 

"Come on I saw a coffee place on the way here, we can chat and get some drinks while we wait for our roommates", I said.

Kelley nods and we start walking towards the coffee shop. On our way I ask Kelley who her roommate was. "I haven't met her yet but her name is Hope Solo. I heard that she's a big mean goalkeeper. I really hope we get along.", Kelley says.

We arrive at the coffee shop and order two coffees. Once we get seated we compare our schedules and find out that we don't have any classes together which sucks, but we will see each other at soccer everyday.

"Do you think Christen and Ali are here yet?", Kelley asks.

"I don't know, oh wow it's already been a couple hours. We should probably go meet our roommates now", I say excitedly.

We make our way back to the Soccer dorms and go back to our rooms. I unlock the door and see some luggage by the door and a brown haired girl passed out on the couch.

Geez she couldn't even make it to her bed?

I slowly walk over to her not wanting to wake her up when I notice how beautiful she is. Her sharp jawline and sun kissed skin were a sight to look at.

I turn around to go into the kitchen when I trip and fall over her suitcase. Tobin wakes up right away and looks terrified. I scramble to my feet and apologize right away.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you suitcase there. I'm Alex Morgan, your roommate.", I state.

Her face softens and she gives me a tired smile. "Hi Alex, I'm Tobin Heath. Are you ok? I shouldn't have left that there, I'm sorry.", she says as she gets up from the couch and makes her way over to me.

I notice how she is moving like she's in pain but I don't say anything about it. I also notice that it's smoking hot out today and she's in joggers and a sweatshirt.

I hand her the suitcase and our hands brushed as she grabbed it from me. Even the slightest touch from her made me nervous.

I was so focused on myself, that whenTobin asked me if I'm ok, but I didn't hear it and was just staring at her.

She repeats,"Alex?"

I shake my head a say," sorry I was just thinking."

She chuckles and flashes me a smile. Damn that smile made my knees weak. Jesus Alex stop thinking about your roommate like this!

I let her go into her room and unpack all of her stuff. After she was done we sat on the coach and got to know each other. She talked about soccer and just about everything else expected family. I wondered if she had problems back at home. I didn't want to push her at all so I didn't ask her about it. I decided to ask her why she had a sweater on in this crazy hot weather instead.

She visibly stiffened froze. Did I do something wrong? "I uh, I usually feel cold all the time so I always wear sweaters", she told me.

That's weird. She was all closed off and acting different after that so I just left the subject alone. I hope nothing is wrong because she seems like such a sweet girl. Beautiful too. Omg I need to stop thinking like this.

I told her goodnight and started to get ready for bed. I needed to get my mind if the brown haired beauty I'm now sharing a room with for a year, so I took a nice long shower.

In the shower I started to think about some things. I mean, I know that I have had crushes on girls before but this is different. I never thought anyone was ever as beautiful as her. Even in her lazy cloths, hair up in a lazy bun and looking like she hasn't slept in days, she is still mesmerizing.

Ugh I need to go to sleep and maybe I'll figure this all out later. I have soccer early in the morning tomorrow and I'm going to need all the sleep I can get.

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