Qustions I cant answer

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Alex's POV

The doctor asked some basic questions about Tobin, that she answered as vaguely as she could. I could tell Dr. Owens was getting suspicious of Tobin.

"Can you take off your shirt so I can see the injury please Tobin?" She asked.

Tobin looked at me, terror evident in her eyes. She looked so scared, I just wanted to hold her and protect her from everything.

"Tobin?" The doctor asked again, confused as to why Tobin looked so afraid.

I leaned down close to Tobin's ear whispering that it would be ok and she could trust the doctor.

Tobin glanced up at the doctor cloudy eyes visible. She slowly tried to take off her shirt, struggling to get it off all the way and clearly in pain.

"Hey, Tobs stop. Let me help you ok?"
I said gently while getting her to look at me. She nodded and dropped her head head back down. I carefully slipped my fingers underneath the hem of her shirt, gripping it and slowly lifting it off her bruised and broken body.

The doctor stood there staring at me and Tobin. She gave me a sad smile and I could see the worry in her eyes.

"Tobin? Can I take off the bandages to see the wounds?" The doctor asked as she slowly and calmly approached Tobin.

Tobin nodded and glanced back up at me. I have her a reassuring smile and stayed right beside her as Dr Owens tenderly removed all the bandages across her back, stomach and then stopping as she got to Tobin's sports bra.

"I'm going to need you to remove your bra so I can assess your wounds honey, is that ok?" She asked very nicely and she placed a gentle hand on Tobin's arm to try and comfort her.

Tobin flinched away at the contact. She lets me touch her, why not anyone else?
She backed off seeing that she scared Tobin. Tobin looked at me like she wanted me to help her.

"This is the only way to get better. Can you be brave for me and do this?" I asked tenderly and I gently grabbed her hand, running circles on he back of it with my thumb.

"I think so, but can you please stay Alex?" She asked in a small voice.

"Of course I'll stay" I smiled at her.

"Umm.. can you please help me get it off? I can't...", she fidgeted with her fingers awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I've got you" I said as I slowly brought my hands up to the bottom of her sports bra. I looked up into her eyes to silently ask permission and she nodded. I carefully lifted if over her head as she cover herself with her hands.

"Alright Tobin, lets have a look ok?" The doctor said while looking very concerned. Tobin dropped her hands slowly and looked afraid.

She examined all of Tobin's deep bruising and lashes all over her back and stomach. She noticed the massive amount of healed scars that cover her body, along with all the new ones.

"Can you tell me how all of this happened sweetie? Anything you tell me is confidential, but if you tell me someone is hurting you I have to alert someone ok?"

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