Truth:part 2

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"Well, What happened is that on our last mission wally and I didn't feel the aster."


"Ok ok, well you see, the team had been sent on the covert mish, but the team and us got separated. We were able to establish a clear link to miss M but then the link started to ... Fuzz up? The factories metallic room filled with this orange greenish gas and the next thing we knew we were knocked out for the count. I remember it was so hard to breath, all o could do was cough. Then some other stuff happened.... Blah blah blah etc."


"Fine! Once I woke up I was found in this thick glassed tube, at this I was fine, but when I looked around, I saw kidflash to my left strapped to a table. We were both fine for a few minutes but then the tube started to fill with water. The lushing in water rose quickly. I tried my best to escape but I couldn't, all I could do was to try to swim. Of course I could swim and breathe, but when the tube was nearly full. I had to draw my last breath........"
"But then, a handsome speedster, 'no names' vibrated his molecules out of the straps. You know I wouldn't of thought to do that if I hadn't heard a voice in my head."

Robin grinned, "I'm guessing it was a babe or Artemis or some kind of girl, as they are usually the one thing on your mind."

" You're correct about the girls always being on my mind, but wrong little bird as it wasn't a girl, but a man, he sounded like a psychopath. Then all of a sudden I heard hysterical laughing."

Robin looked towards batman and gave a slight nod "Joker".

"Wait so you decided to escape because a psycho told you to, not because I was drowning? And you stood still like it was a red on a traffic light because you heard this voice? Right. So yeah , while KF had a meltdown, I was drowning, but once KF saw the green light he vibrated me out of the tube and I was fine."

"Sorry dude, I'm telling the whole truth. Robin stopped breathing, his heart and pulse weren't there. Luckily because of black canarys first aid lessons I did CPR and got Robin up again. Though him coughing up tons of water wasn't the prettiest."

"Why didn't you report this back, the point of a report is to see if you can accomplish your mission well."

" I was scared, scared that you would replace me or tell me no more Robin again. I couldn't bare the thought, especially seems how I'm in a great team now and I have great friends."

Kidflash put his arm around the younger hero , "uh correction, great best friends".

"Thanks wally" Robin smiled. Batman took off his mask and said " wally could you please leave dick and I to speak? Also you need to tell flash what you just told me and have him take a blood test for traces of the gas."

Wally glances from batman to dick and smiles "sure, but do I have to have a blood test, it's not that Bigga deal". Wally left after Robin told him that it was very important to take this or he may get seriously ill, like he did at school.

Bruce sat down, reached over and pulled a chair over for his son. Bruce patted down on the chair with a light tapping noise. Robin took off his black and white domino mask and sat down facing Bruce.

"Dick, I would never dispel you from the team, nor from being Robin. I love you and I love to see you being happy and being Robin. But you cannot get injured, or die and not tell me about it.
You can tell me anything and I will help you. You need to trust me with any problems, I can't help you if I don't know what's going on."

"I know, and I'm sorry! Do you mean it? That I can tell you anything?" Bruce nodded. "Okay then, when I arrived and Artemis showed me to my room, she threatened me. I didn't know what to do, so I kept quiet."

"Threatened, what do you mean, threatened?"

"Well she told me, that, well that Deathstroke knows where I am and that he's going to take me away. I know I did the right thing but he's going to find me and kill me." Batman stared at his child with quite an Angry expression.

"Artemis told you this? I guess we'll have to deal with this suitably. Also, you are going to have to stay at home for a little while, no coming to the cave alright?"

Robin opened his mouth " wait why? What's up? You just said I can stay as Robin!"

"And you can but for your and your teams safety, it would be better if you stayed stationary at the mansion. Okay?"


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