Chapter 8

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Ok I'm a freak.. Sorry for that accident.. Thanks to Goten_Son_Ten for reminding me.. Ohh I'm such a bitch.. Anyway enjoy the new real chapter..


When they got back Sunday afternoon, clean and showered and ready to die, they came outside and found that Bulma was having a barbeque for their friends, though not many people had shown up yet. Normally these were a fun and boisterous affair, but nobody was smiling as Chichi and Goku yelled at each other across a picnic table.

"Fine! Whatever Chichi!" Goku fumed, "Take it all, I don't care about all that material crap, I hope it keeps you warm at night!"

"It will better than you ever did! You've spent more of our marriage off training or fighting or playing dead then you did with me! Go to hell you idiotic bastard!" That sounded particularly bad, even for his parents, thought Goten. Bulma was standing off to the side of the yard, with Yamucha's arm around her waist, shifting nervously from side to side. Kurillin and his family had obviously gotten there not too long before they had, and were just hanging up their coats and hats, Kurillin nervously looking from Chichi to Goku and back again. 18 didn't really seem fazed, but nothing really ever seemed to fazed her... Vegeta just stood there and glared at them.

"Wait a minute Goku!" Bulma said with a jump, "You can't just sign that without even reading it, you have no idea what it could say!" Chichi gave Bulma the look of death, but she wasn't put off, she just stared back at her one-time friend. Goku had a pen in his hand, and was rifling through a stack of papers.

"I just want it to be over with Bulma, I'm sick of this – the way she treats me, the way she treats our son..." Goku clenched his fist in anger.

"What's going on guys?" Goten ventured from the sidelines. Chichi was the first to respond, and quickly regained her composure.

"Come on son, we're going home, I'll explain everything to you in the car" she said as she walked towards him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Goku said. When Chichi didn't answer him, he walked over to her, grabbed her by the arm and spun her to look at him.

"You are NOT taking my son away from me, he is not leaving here with you!" he practically growled in her face.

"This is exactly the kind of behavior that I'm talking about Goku! You're acting like a half-crazed animal, and you're a horrible influence on him!" She pulled her arm out of Goku's grasp, because he let her, because he had to let her, it was just who he was, and she turned to Goten once more.

"Your father and I are getting divorced" she said with a mock calmness.

"Divorced?" said Goten, "When did you guys get married again?" Vegeta snorted. Chichi paled. Goku looked at him with an almost lost expression on his face.

"Well, divorce is a legal proceeding, right? But mom stopped being legally married when her husband died, so you can't undo something that's already been undone..." he explained his reasoning. Vegeta was actually laughing now, kind of creepy...

"I am your mother Goten, and I know what's best for you, you don't really want to go live in a cave with your father anyway, so stop arguing and get in the car" she said patronizingly. Trunks decided that there was no need to ask for any of Chichi's help with the upcoming pregnancy.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Goten spat out. But before Chichi could respond, Gohan touched down in the middle of the yard.

"Hey everyone, how's it going?" he started to say with a smile, until he felt the tension all around him.

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