Chapter 14

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Trunks woke up in the middle of the night again, unable to go back to sleep. He tossed and turned for a while, but finally just got up to find something constructive to do. There were several books he needed to read and papers that needed his attention, it never ended really. He was crossing the room to his study, bare feet padding softly on the cool marble, when he abruptly turned and headed out onto the balcony instead. The full moon greeted him familiarly, caressing him with her gentle rays. He stood there with his eyes closed, just soaking in the beauty and power, trying to let it fill him up until he felt almost dizzy. He sighed, rubbing his neck; that hollow feeling inside him was strong tonight, had been getting stronger and stronger lately, and he decided to work off his insomnia in the gravity room instead.

It was several hours later when his personal servant came to wake him, finally finding him down the hall, covered in sweat and panting heavily in the 600 times gravity.

"Thank you, Hyoshi," he said with a nod, "you know how I can lose track of the time in here." Trunks had broken through to SSJ3 quite a while ago, never relenting in his training even with all his other responsibilities, and it had paid off, proving a wise move more than once over the years. He was just stepping out of the shower when his mom burst into the room, unannounced of course. She wasn't fazed by his nudity, she had birthed him for crying out loud, but she did turn around out of respect as she started to berate him.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up Trunks? Hmm? I'm not going to be around forever - I know all the bad guys have been defeated and we're in a time of peace, yadda yadda yadda, but I will die, even of old age eventually, and I'd like to get to enjoy some grand-babies before I do. You have other responsibilities besides training you know," she said. She was in a surprisingly good mood today, Trunks thought, her voice hadn't even reached that screech-y pitch yet that made him think his ears were going to bleed...

"I know all about my various responsibilities, but I've told you before, I'm not going to just bang whatever walks through the door next for the purpose of having offspring."

"You need an heir."

"Do I? Do I really, right at this exact moment, need an heir? I know you don't normally like to talk about your 'age', but since you brought it up first I'm totally going there today - you've actually aged really well mom, but no matter how good the genetics you passed on to me may have been, no human in existence still looks like they're 20 at 40. None of us have any idea what my life span will be like, and I'm not going to rush into something hastily that will affect me for the rest of my life" he countered.

There was a knock at the door, and a stream of servants began carrying in tray after tray of food. Thankfully Trunks had gotten dried off and his pants on during the argument, but he turned to finish dressing before starting to eat as his mom stormed out. He had no privacy. Ever. At least he had made the chief of his staff understand early on that no female servants were to be allowed into his private rooms for any reason - he couldn't believe how 'forward' some of them had been, and he'd had to physically remove a few of them from his bed when he first became King...

That seemed like so long ago now, the beginning of The Reconstruction, the search for any remaining royals, though none had been found... Then the Referendum where he had been elected as the new King of Earth. That hadn't happened until a good 6 years after he defeated the Androids and the Cell of his time... He and his mother had both been devoting all their efforts into helping what was left of their broken planet. The time had seemed to fly by in those days - he wasn't one to think about the politics of it as it happened, he just saw people in need all around him and did his best to help. He knew now though, that his mother had consciously made him, the boy who was already hailed as the planets' savior and protector, the face of it's CC aided recovery as well. He looked back now and wondered how he could have been so naïve as to not even realize he was in the running for the job at the time. He chuckled quietly at the memory of his younger self as he sat down to breakfast, but tried not to dwell on the past for too long. There were certain memories down that path that it would only hurt to indulge.

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