Chapter 11

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Piccolo was impressed with Gohan's progress, he was totally focused in a way he hadn't seen him since Buu... Both of them typically needed a senzu after their workouts now, and Piccolo could feel that Gohan was out growing him power-wise.

"Oh, by the way Piccolo, I won't be able to spar tomorrow, I'm going over to CC to see Goten and let Bulma 'examine' me" Gohan said with a slightly nervous laugh.

"Ok kid, no problem... I've been meaning to bring this up anyway, so you might as well address it while you're there tomorrow - I don't think I'm going to cut it for your training partner much longer. Your power base is back up to a respectable level, and honestly, unless you want to learn some new meditation techniques, there isn't going to be a whole lot I can do to help you improve after this. You'd be better off moving on to spar with a Saiyan now, I'm sure your father would be thrilled to take over from here" he said with a small hint of pride in his voice. Gohan heard it, and since he had, he couldn't very well wine about how he was wrong...

"Thanks, Mr. Piccolo. You know, my Dad would be even more thrilled to train with the both of us at once" he said with a grin.

"Yeah, but realistically, and it does pain me to say this, I'd just hold you guys back when you really got going at it, so I think I'll just stay here and go back to my meditation" Piccolo replied.

"Ok, I understand, thanks for everything!" Gohan said as turned to fly home. What the fuck was he going to do now?...

He stopped by a store that catered to all things 'baby' later that evening, and just wandered the isles for a while, taken aback by the sheer number of things they offered. He hadn't know ¾ of this stuff even existed, his mom had never used any of this with himself or Goten. Besides, most of it centered around 'safety' concerns - and no half-Saiyan baby would be fazed by any of the so called 'dangers' this stuff was meant to protect from. Ugh, this sucked. He was down to basically two options: clothes, or something 'decorative'. Both of which proved problematic because he didn't know if it was a boy or a girl yet... He was just about to give up and go gather the dragon balls, 'cause that would have been easier, when a baby blanket set caught his eye. It was a three pack with "gender neutral" backgrounds, white, green, and yellow, that had adorable little monkeys climbing trees, eating bananas, and playing with coconuts on it. It wasn't very expensive, he didn't feel like it would be enough of a gift, but he knew it was probably the only thing in the store he could actually show up with tomorrow and not be embarrassed about. It would have to do. He even paid the lady at the counter to gift wrap it nicely for him, he didn't want it to smell like booze if he tried to do it at home.

When he arrived at CC the next day, his cheerful yet slightly apologetic demeanor was firmly in place. Goten was thrilled to see him, and looking back, he probably shouldn't have been so worried about that. His Dad wrapped him in a big bear-hug, doing his best to apologize for Vegeta without actually saying anything about the incident. Gohan let himself relax, really relax, for just a minute, and hugged his Dad back. Then the moment passed, and he had to pull away.

"Hey Dad, you know, this might seem out of the blue, but I was wondering if you'd train me in the evenings after work each day. I didn't really realize how much I've missed sparring with you - I tried to get Piccolo on board too, but he thought it would be better if it were just the two of us" Gohan asked cheerfully. Goku's eyes lit up and a huge grin spread across his face.

"That would be great Gohan! I had kind-a thought you'd given up on training, but this is awesome!" Goku beamed.

"Well, I kind-of had, but I guess I'm starting to realize that this high-paying job I studied all my life for isn't as fulfilling as I thought it would be..." Gohan explained while rubbing the back of his neck. His Dad clapped him on the back and just laughed. When he was done there, Gohan turned to his little brother.

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