Day 36

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Sam's pov

This morning, or should I say this afternoon, I woke up to somebody calling me. Unknown.

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey, is this Sam?" A girly voice asked.

"Depends, who is this?" I negotiated.

"This is Maci." The voice said from the other side of the line.

"Oh? Hey Maci, how'd you get my number?" I asked her.

"That doesn't matter, I need you to come to my house immediately, it's an emergency!" She started freaking out.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I just need you to come here. My address is 345 Clover Lane. Please Sam! Hurry!" She screamed.

"I'll be right there." I hung up my phone and ran down to my car. I put the key in the ignition and drove to the address.

When I got to the big brown house that Maci lived in, I ran up to the door and knocked loudly.

"MACI, IT'S ME! SAM! LET ME IN!" I yelled knocking on the door. I stopped knocking when the door opened revealing a completely fine Maci.

"Hey Sam! I'm glad you came." She smiled at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked beginning to get confused. How could she be so calm? The emergency sounded urgent.

"Oh, haha. Nothing, I jut thought that if I didn't do that that you wouldn't come to my place." Maci said.

"Wait. So there's no emergency?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Nope! No emergency. I just wanted to hang out. And did I mention that you look hot in your pjs?" She said. I looked down at what I was wearing. Just a pair of plaid pants. Not even a shirt. Damn it Sam! Couldn't you have grabbed a shirt? I mentally slapped myself.

"Haha, very funny." I said sarcastically.

"So, you wanna hang out?" She asked biting her lip. Damn she's cute when she does that.

"Sure, why not?" I said walking into her huge house.

||1 hour later|| *DIRTY SCENE*

Maci's back hit her door as I pushed her against it kissing her. She was really getting into it. I took  my right hand and locked the door. My hands travelled up her shirt pulling her bra clip. Without breaking the kiss, we slowly moved to Maci's bed where I laid on top of her.

She quickly pulled off her tank top and shorts which left her in her bra and underwear. She tugged on the waist of my pants and slipped them off. I slowly moved my kisses down to her jawline and softly kisses her.

"This is so wrong." I said between kisses. "Yet it feels so right." I said unclipping her bra. I took it and threw it across the room. I brought my lips back up to her and we made out some more.

Maci then flipped us over and then she was on top of me. She sat up straight on my torso. She's such a tease.

"This is right." She whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. She stuck her lips on mine and slipped her tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought and I won and took over. Her fingers moved through my hair as we kissed. She took my hair and pulled it slightly which made me moan. We were both really getting turned on.

I wrapped my hands around her and pulled her closer to me. She was really good. She felt so good. Then, in a swiftly quick motion, we both took off our underwear and it went on from there.


"Bye Sam." Maci said waving at me from her window. After that, we laid in her bed and then I had to leave.

"Bye." I laughed walking into my car and turning the ignition.


I tried it again but my car would not turn on.

After half an hour of trying to start my car, I heard a noise that came from my car that wasn't a very good sound.

"Great!" I mumbled sarcastically to myself and pulled out my phone to call a tow truck.

Once the truck got to Maci's house, the guy hooked my car up and pulled it to the shop. He left me with no ride home. So I walked up to Maci's house and rang the doorbell. Maci answered the door again.

"Wow Sam, came for a second round already?" She asked smirking.

"Umm, no. My car broke down and a tow truck took it so I need a ride home." I explained to her.

"Okay, I'll drive you, but don't you think Kassidy will think it's wierd that I'm dropping you off?" She asked. Kassidy. Kassidy. I didn't even think of her. This whole fricken time. Sh!t. What am I going to say? What am I going to tell her?

"Just drop me off a block away from my house." I told her and she nodded. We walked to her car and we drove in silence.

Once we got to where she was dropping me off, I thanked her and walked out her car door.

"Hey Sam. Hey Maci?" I heard a voice that I didn't want to hear at that moment.

"Hey Kassidy!" I turned around to see that she was penny boarding with her friend Erielle.

"Since when did you guys become friends?" She asked.

"Just now actually! Sam's car broke down and I saw him walking down the street and asked him if he wanted a lift." Maci explained. It was a total lie but even I wouldn't fallen for it.

"Well, thanks Maci! I'll text you later?" Kassidy said.

"Sure thing!" Maci said. She waves at us and drove off. Thank God Maci came up with that story!

"Here, we can ride on my board. We were just on our way home anyways." Kassidy said and we rolled down the sidewalk.

I could tell at the corner of my eye that Erielle didn't believe the made up story and I don't blame her. I really hope she doesn't tell Kassidy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kassidy wrapping her arms around my waist. I really love Kassidy.
Why would I do this to myself?
Why would I do this to her?
Why would I do this to Maci?
What will happen to Kassidy and Maci?
What will happen to Maci and I?

What will happen to Kassidy and I?


That's the end of Day 36! I'm sorry this chapter wasn't very long. It was kind of a filler in a way. Thanks for reading though! Please vote, comment, share, and add to your reading lists! Bye loves! Remember, I'm not British.

Kik~ kmamer

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