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Quick message guys; I don't really know how this story is going because I feel like it's getting a little messier as it goes but let me know! Thank you so much~I love my followers!

"Have you actually lost your mind?!" The second Suho's group retreated back to the cafeteria I shoved Sehun hard and sent him stumbling back into Tao. My lips were tingling like crazy and for some reason I felt strangely warm...it wasn't an entirely awful feeling but it was better to be angry then to express those kind of emotions.

"How dare you!? They weren't doing anything! Why can't you just leave me alone?"

My flustered voice echoed through the empty hallways and I lowered it, staring Sehun down as Xiumin whispered something in his ear. He straightened and blew a lock of white hair out of his eyes.

"If you want to have a real reason to throw a fit meet me on the rooftop in half an hour, otherwise..."

He leaned down to my eye level and cocked his head, speaking to me like I was a little kid. "Go find out what your friends really want from you."

I held in the yell that was sitting in the base of my throat and waited until they disappeared around a corner to unleash it.

"What do you want from me Sehun!" I yelled into the empty space and tugged on my hair. I spun on my heel in the opposite direction and ran into Chanyeol's tall frame, catching myself just before I fell.

"Hyung...?" he asked, studying my probably red face, "What are you doing?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly and straightened my collar, "Nothing, what are you doing?"

His yellow eyes searched mine and then he waved a hand towards the cafeteria, "Actually we were about to go to the cafe...did you wanna come with us?"

...But the others, they're big trouble. Stay. Away.....

I buried the echo of Sehun's warning and patted my best friend on the back.

"Let's go!"

We walked through the hallway together in silence but I could tell Chanyeol had something on his mind. He kept looking over at me then shaking his head and biting his lip. In the cafeteria that was almost empty he led me to a spacious booth that was usually taken by the popular seniors. Now it was occupied by six black and white clothed boys.

Chanyeol led me to an open seat next to Kris and I took it, smiling awkwardly as I sat.

Suho crossed his arms, eyeing me. "I head Sehun marked you, is that true?"

I stared at the expectant faces around me and shrugged, "I don't know what you mean."

The quiet black haired boy...Lay leaned across the table and lifted the edge of my shirt up before I could react, pressing his warm fingers to my side.

"What are you--!"

"Just look," he said, "The mark on your rib cage."

Hesitantly I looked down at my exposed stomach. He was right...there was some sort of black swirling mark inked into my skin. I licked my finger and began rubbing at the mark vigorously but it didn't smudge.

"What is this?" I almost shrieked, "What did he do?!"

Lay let go of my shirt and sat back against the seat, satisfied. "It's true."

Thinking about the black mark on my skin my head began to get foggy and I put my elbow on my table to steady myself.

Chanyeol reached across the table and felt my forehead. "Suho, it's taking effect. We don't have a lot of time."

Suho glanced at me and I watched as his eyes suddenly changed colors and his canines elongated. I blinked rapidly, thinking I was seeing things but he smiled and pinched me.

"This is real Baekhyun. Welcome to the world of Werewolves."

A/N: So the boys are actually werewolves! But what does this mean for Baekhyun and what is the black mark on his skin? Why does Sehun want to meet up on the roof? Find out in the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this part of Don't Call Me Monster!

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