○String Of Web●6●My Choice○

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I'd rather be with nobody,
than be with anybody,
just for the sake of having somebody.

In my opinion,
it's better for me to be with no one,
than be with just about anyone! 

Being with someone just to fill in the gaps inside my heart is not what I really want. 

If the reason is not love, then is it just to flaunt? I can probably fool everyone else with false pretense of happiness but never myself. So, I'd stay inside my shelf, even as I get rusty and dusty,

alone and lonely but I think I'd better be one and be with none.

For not one person can take a fraction of pain or suffering,

I might go through if ever I'd make the wrong decision,
following someone else's advice and perception.

In the end it will be my own choice to make,

It's my own life to live and
my own future to consider.

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