○String Of Web●54●Unfathomable○

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The complexity of the human mind truly is hard to understand,
yet nothing compared to GOD,
for who can fathom HIS thoughts?

Deeper than the ocean,
wider than the desert..
HIS mind's Broader than the earth itself,
expandable than the whole universe,
depths unknown and unimaginable,
So, how then can anyone fully comprehend..

HIS thoughts and how much HE knows?

The universe in it's intricate design and beauty.. HE has created with so much love and passion,
like a painter would.. to his canvass or a sculptor to his marble,
The entire universe truly is art in HIS creative hands..!

When one day in heaven is equals to a thousand years on earth,
we are but specks of dust,
our so-called knowledge are but dots on a small piece of paper in HIS eyes...

How then, can anyone claim knowing More than HIM?

How can we,
mere creations question how GOD deals with things?

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