○String Of Web●56●Politics○

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Ain't this world a bit weird sometimes?

Perpetrators of crimes often hailed as heroes,
Victims viewed as villains,
It's all about influence,
of fame, power and success!

When "Justice" more often than not, goes only to those who are rich, famous and well-off..

Votes goes only to those who are conniving enough to manipulate and brainwash others by their mind games,
Thinking people has puny little brains, 
Easily maneuvered by sweet tongues and lies of promises that never will they keep.

Aren't we all in an invisible prison?

A dome which cannot be seen by most but being controlled by those who are powerful?

They have promised us freedom, lied to us and led us to believe, that we all are now free..

When all we have gotten is..

Fake democracy!

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