○String Of Web●32●Faith○

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My weaknesses
consumed me.

My own fears,
weakened my sanity!

May the Lord my GOD strengthen me!

Help me,
so I can walk upon the waters..
make my faith deeper than the ocean,
Calmer than a still sea,
So I can feel Joy once more!

Let not me,
fall unto temptation and
prevent me please,
from sinking into deep depression!

Fuel my love to you my God,
Make it rise up,
Let it be hotter than flame,
Allow it not, to flicker nor be snuffed out!

I know
This is how I should pray..

That my lamp,

Be burning still..
Until your son's second coming and
right after..
From now, 'till forever!

May GOD's mercy and understanding be never-ending to this servant's short-comings..

Love is what binds us together and the reason Your people's faith remain intact.

that made stronger by love,
is far more stronger than any storm that may come our way..

With Love...
there is trust, there is hope..
GOD is where all of these.
FOR With GOD even the lost are found.

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