Chapter 3

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  You stood with Killer by the lake, the gold and blue dragon was crouched by the water's edge hail down in his face cascading down his long neck. You frowned glancing around the huge pasture and rolling hills.

"That's weird, usually Luffy greets me right away." Hearing a familiar roar you whipped around to see Luffy and Zoro standing at the top of a hill, Zoro holding something big, black, and limp in his jaws, "luffy? Zoro?" You gave Killer a pat on the back, placing your finger's in your mouth you whistled sharply catching the attention of the two dragons.

~Luffy and Zoro's POV~

Luckily for Luffy, Zoro happened to have wandered by when he had found the new guy.

"Zoro!" He roared to his friend, the three horned dragon turned his head to him cocking it curiously, then gave a wave of his spiked tail.

"Yo Luffy..... What happened to him?" He asked as he approached having now spotted the other black dragon collapsed on the ground.

"No time to explain we need to take him to (y/n)," Zoro took in the stranger's bloodied form.

"I'll carry him." He bent his head down and grabbed the winged reptile on his back, away from his broken wing. "Let's go." And with that the two dragons took off running through the brush, Zoro holding him high so as to not drag on the ground. The black dragon grunted in pain, his eyes twitched and jaw clenched tightly yet he did not stir, Zoro looked back ahead as he ran, If they wanted to save him, they'd best hurry. The two came to a stop at a hill, glancing every which way when a sharp whistle got their attention, as soon as their eyes landed on you they took off down the hill toward you.

~Your POV~

You were surprised when the two massive beasts came barreling down the hill, skidding to a stop in front of you, putting up your hands you placed them on their snouts to calm them.

"Oi, Oi! Luffy, Zoro, I need you to calm down, show me what you found." Voice calm and clear seeming to settle the dragons. Zoro dipped his head, gently dropping the black and bloody dragon by your feet. Taking a knee you settled in front of him, taking in his bloody fomr, he was long and slender, raven tufts of hair on his head, a small goatee and white spots on legs bellow the knee and elbows. "Poor boy, who would do such a thing to something so beautiful." The dragon whimpered slightly, cracking a steel grey eye open letting it land on you, seeming to have only the strength to growl in warning. "Hush, my name is (y/n) I'm here to help you, and I would appreciate if you stayed quiet and still." You spoke softly, placing a hand on his snout.

Looking up to the other two you frowned, "Zoro, take him back to the stables, in your paddock, I'll go back with Luffy to call doctor Chopper." Zoro nodded bending down and grasping the black reptile gently then took off, "please don't get lost." you whispered then turned to Luffy, "you ready? We haven't flown in awhile." Luffy spread his black scaley lips back in a wide smirk, crouching down and extending his wings. "I'll take that as a yes." You grinned running over and jumping onto his back.

Without a warnings notice he launched off the ground with a strong beat of his wings, you scrambled to hang on to the loose hair of his mane grinning like an idiot. The young dragon kept a steady beat, flying just bellow the cage bars. Hearing a bird like call you looked over to see the flame bird that hung around the barn, a phoenix with blue and gold flames.

"Morning Marco!" You smiled reaching over and stroking the bird's neck with two fingers, soft clicks coming from it's open beak. "Listen Marco I'll see you later, right now I need to go back to the house, how about you go mess with Thatch or Ace." Marco nodded with a bird like smirk diving down and heading in the opposite direction. "ready for the dive Luffy-kun?" You patted the dragon's thick neck, he looked back at you and smirked folding his wings and spiraling down. Keeping your body close to his back you giggled at the feel of the wing rushing past you, unafraid of the fast approaching ground.

Just feet from hitting he forced himself up with a heavy wing beat slowing their decent to a much gentler touch down. Sliding off you fell down with a thud, the world spinning around you while you sat their grinning and waiting for the dizziness to fade, Luffy bent his head down and sniffed, messing up your hair. With a giggle you softly pushed his head away and stood, but seeing Zoro arrive with the injured dragon you grabbed your cell phone and quickly dialed the doctor's number.

"Hello (y/n)!" Chopper's familiar voice picked up.

"Hey, Chopper, I need you to get over here as fast as possible." You walked over to where Zoro set the stranger down.

"what happened?" he asked, you could hear him rush around.

"Two of my dragons brought another one injured, He looks worse than Zoro, broken right foreleg,, injured wing, some claw gashes so assume another dragon, please hurry, I'll do my best to stop the bleeding until you get here." Without giving him a chance to respond you hung up, running inside to grab gauze and towels. Running back out you placed the towels on the wounds, putting as much pressure on it as you could, Robin and Nami then came rushing out.

"(y/n)!What happened?" The orangette gasped, you turned back to the other two.

"No time to explain, take those towels and help me stop his bleeding, I've already called Chopper." The two women nodded rushing over and grabbing towels applying pressure to other wounds. Looking over to the dragon's face you bit your lip, brows furrowed.

"Please hurry Chopper!!"

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