Chapter 11

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"Hey, do you guys think that ____ is a little late?" Sabo asked his brothers looking down at them from where he perched in the tree. His two younger brothers wrestling in their dragon form on the ground below. Ace paused their tussle by pinning Luffy under his claws, looking up to Sabo.

"Now that you mention it, she usually comes out here this time of day." The speckled dragon frowned stumbling when Luffy wiggled his way out of Ace's grip.

"Yeah, I go for a walk around the dome with her." Luffy shook out his mane, the hair sticking up in odd directions.

"Maybe we should go check on her," Sabo suggested, dropping down from the tree, stretching out his wings. "Just to be sure everything's alright." The blue-scaled dragon started off, his brothers flanking him on either side. "So," Sabo started, "What do you guys think of this Law guy?" Ace gave a snort.

"I'm not too fond of the guy, shows up out of nowhere, heavily injured and all of a sudden there's black cars everywhere." Ace grunted looking back at Luffy, the younger of the three happily trotting along.

"I think you guys are being too harsh, Trao is a good guy." As the three dragons got closer to the house they heard shouting.

"Who are they!" The screams were yours. Without a moment's hesitation, the three brothers took off running, shifting into humans just as they jumped the fence. You were standing in the driveway, Aokiji restraining you from what appeared to be Law on the ground clutching the side of his face. "You son of a bitch, tell me who they are!" You were thrashing in Aokiji's grip, doing anything just to get at Law.

"Whoa! Hey, what's going on?!" Sabo asked as the brothers approached the three of them.

"I'm not quite sure what happened, I came out in time to see her punch him," Aokiji responded.

"I'm going to kill you, I swear to god." You snapped, pulling against Aokiji's grips.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this might be the cause of it." Ace spoke up walking back to the group holding the small collection of photos. Sabo took the photos and started flipping through them with Luffy. "I knew this guy wasn't going to bring anything other than trouble."

"Oh my god." He whispered glancing to Law, the other dragon was silent through this. His gold eyes staring unblinkingly at the group in front of them. "Who did this?" Law looked away from him, his gaze cast to the floor. "Hey, I asked who did this?" Sabo gripped Law's chin dragging it so he met his gaze. "You tell me now because I swear I can hit a lot harder than ______" Law held his gaze before he finally spoke.

"Donquixote Doflamingo." He finally spat out, his words dripping in venom at the name.

"What the hell does the head of the Donquixote family want with you? This whole "Give me back what's mine" crap." You snarled, Law growled and slapped Sabo's hand away gripping the railing to the porch he pulled himself back up to his feet.

"I was part of his "Gang" I guess you could call it, you've heard the rumors, right? All the shady controversy about the geat Doflamingo." Law paused to wipe some blood from his busted lip, you really could throw a punch. "What you guys don't know is that it's a dragon run corporation, that deals with illegal trade with other gangs, the man basically owns the whole city... even has the police on his payroll." You blink at him trying to process the information all the while driven by anger for what happened to your brother. "When I decided I wanted to leave Doflamingo decided he didn't like can guess what happened next." He snorted. Luffy took the photos from Ace, sifting through them with a frown on his face.

"So when are we leaving?" The young dragon looked up, all of you looked to him with confusion.

"Leaving?" Ace repeated waiting for Luffy to explain what he meant.

"To rescue Kid, obviously." He gave his a brother a look like it was obvious. "This Doffy guy hurt him and he's been harassing ____, so I say we bust in, get Kid, and beat the hell out of that guy!" Luffy beamed punching his hand into his palm, crumpling the photos in his grip. Ace and Sabo stared at him for a moment before breaking out with wide grins.

"Yeah, I think we should teach Mr. High and Mighty a lesson." Ace commented looking to Sabo who agreed with a nod of his head. You looked at them, the anger you felt quickly changed to worry.

"But you can't, it's dangerous!" You managed to squirm from Kuzan's grip to stand in front of the brothers.

"Did you not listen to what I just said? I dragon run gang that owns the whole city! What do the three of you think you can do?" Law snapped.

"I'll go to," Kuzan grunted shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. You whipped around staring at him wide-eyed.

"Oh my, is this talk about a fight I'm hearing?" Your gaze turned to Robin leaning on the doorway of the front door, "Dragons running the city?" Realizing you were the only one who knew about the dragons turning into people your mouth opened trying to come up with an excuse, but all that came out was unintelligent stuttering. Robin gave you a closed eyes smile, then when she opened them her pupils were small slits swimming in pools of blue.

"Y-your eyes!" You blinked thinking maybe you were imagining things, "You..are a dragon?!"

"Indeed, sorry for not telling you but I can't quite put that on my job resumé and no Nami is not a dragon in case you were wondering," You wished you could sigh with relief but your head was spinning. "If you're going to fight someone like Doflamingo I suggest being smart, having allies and I'm sure there are plenty of dragons here that would be willing to fight with you." Robin had turned from you to speak to the three brothers and Kuzan.

"I'll go find Marco and Thatch." Ace turned running back toward the pasture, shifting to his dragon form mid-stride.

"I know a couple of dragons that might be interested, Boa and Bartholomew will follow Luffy anywhere..." Sabo stroked his chin and thought, then turned to his younger brother. "Go get that rowdy group of dragons you hang out with...maybe even ask Smoker but I'm not sure if that grumpy bastard would lift a talon to help." The blonde looked to see his brother already gone, charging off to find his companions. "I wonder how much of that he actually heard." Sabo rolled his eyes then following the lead fo the other two and shifted dragon racing off to find others to help them.

"I'll also go find Borsalino, he'll help if I ask." Kuzan strode forward to stand next to you, resting a freezing hand on your shoulder. "Akainu is grumpy, but he feels his peaceful life is threatened so he will lend a paw to help us..or himself really." He looked down at you offering a smile, "Don't worry we'll get your brother back." As soon as he said that he was gone, a deep meow made you look down to see the familiar black cat running off, icy paw prints left in his wake. You were now alone with Law and Robin. The black-haired woman looked between you and him then suddenly decided she needed to go back into the house.

"Even with all this excitement, there is paperwork to be done." She hummed disappearing inside. The air between you and Law was tense and uncomfortably silent, feeling the anger boiling up under your skin as you glared at him. He took a step back at the intensity in your gaze, it's almost hard to believe that you were only human with how threatened he felt by the look you were giving.

"I think.." You started, "It would be best if you were gone once all this is over, I hope you find what you're looking for." And with that you turned on your heel, walking with a brisk pace to the pastures. You needed to find Killer and let him know what was going on with Kid. Law was left alone in your driveway, nursing his bruised cheek while he watched you leave.

For some reason. Your words hurt him more than any wound he's ever had.

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