Chapter 10

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 It was cold, not surprising since it was nearing the end of September. Eustass had yet to open his eyes instead tilted his head to the side hearing the dripping sound of a leaking faucet, a few moments of silence between each drop. The red head groaned softly feeling the pain in his head grow steadily worse, he could feel something drip down the back of his neck. He went to wipe it away only to find his hands tied tightly behind him,

"The hell?" he growled softly pulling at his restraints to no avail. Next he tried moving his feet, but they were tied down to the legs of the chair as well. Eustass opened his eyes to be met with a red cloth tied over his face, "You bastard!" He snarled unaware of the tall blonde sitting in a chair not too far away, watching his struggles with an amused smile.

"Come now Mr. Eustass, that's not very nice." The red head paused his struggles at the sound of Doflamingo's voice. "Most of the people I've had down here would be paralyzed in fear, and one pissed himself." He stood from his chair, dress shoe clad feet sounding against the stone floor. "But you, no, you are a fighter and I love it.. I don't get many like you down here, but it makes breaking you down that more enjoyable." Doflamingo came to stand behind Eustass clapping his hands down on the broad shoulders reveling in the way he jumped at the contact.

"What do you want?" Eustass snarled out between clenched teeth.

"Like I said before, I just wanted to talk."


"Your sister, the lovely Miss ____." The grin spread wider when Eustass tensed under his hands, "You see, she has something of mine that I would love to get back but when I sent Virgo to retrieve him she..lied to" His grip tightened on his shoulders, "Let me tell you what I'm going to do." Reaching up the blonde untied the blindfold around Eustass's face letting it flutter down into his lap. He flinched eyes adjusting to the harsh lighting baring down on him, blinking a few times he could make out the table near by lined end to end with different utensils that sent a shiver down his spine. "I'm going to have a little fun," the blonde walked over tot he table picking up a pair of brass knuckles slipping them on over his gloved fingers. "Shall we?"


"God he's such an ass." you sighed collapsing on the couch Law was currently sitting on, your head resting on his lap staring at the empty notification bar on your phone, it had been a few days since you'd had your small fight with Kid, but even if they weren't nice texts whenever you fought he always made some effort to keep communication. The raven haired dragon raised an eyebrow at you, but made no move to push you off. "I get he's trying to be a good brother, but he's just over bearing, you know?" You asked looking up to meet the gold gaze staring back at you.

"I suppose, he seemed rather brutish." You sighed rolling onto your side facing the tv watching the talk show hosts. Law's gaze switched to the tv aswell the two of you staying like that unconscious of his tattooed hands threading through your (h/c) locks. The show was midway through when you fell asleep, Law looked down at your sleeping form a small smile tugging at his lips. The sound of the door opening drew his attention away looking up he saw Kuzan standing in the archway dividing the kitchen and living room the frame barely tall enough to fit the giant.

"I'll take her up to her room." He spoke gruffly a cold gaze resting on Law, his small smile turning into an arrogant smirk.

"No, I think she's fine right here." Law moved his hand to brush some hair from your face, gaze never leaving Kuzan's.

"I can't have you taking advantage of her now can I." He came to stand between the two of you and the tv, moving a hand out to pick you up when Law's free hand shot out gripping Kuzan's wrist in a tight grip.

"I said she's fine where she's at." Law repeated calm voice hiding a threatening tone, small flakes of frost speckled Kuzan's skin as the room started to grow colder around them. You shivered turning to hide your face in Law's stomach clinging on to his yellow shirt that you'd found in some of kid's old clothes, it was huge on Law's frame but worked just fine all the same. "Come now, you're making ____-ya cold." He growled, Kuzan hesitated looking down at your shivering form taking comfort in the heat resonating from Law's body. Looking back up at Law's irritatingly arrogant face he snorted turning without a word and leaving the room.

A few hours later you woke up alone on the couch, a blanket falling down to your waist when you sat up sleepily you stood wrapping the blanket around you shuffling to the kitchen. Glancing into the hallway leading to the office you spotted Robin typing away at the computer while looking over documents, outside you saw Nami talking with the delivery man dragons scattered along the pastures some flying around the cage that kept them from going too far. Going to the fridge you grabbed a water bottle then going out to sit on the porch swing, Akainu moving to sit next to you the tosa sat at your side staring straight ahead. You smiled softly resting a hand on his head running your fingers through his short hair and playing with his ears. You lived for these peaceful moments and when it came to housing dragons you didn't get many, but this peace almost made you forget about the crazy events that had happened lately, almost. From here you could see Law hanging out the side of the barn, Luffy trying to get the bigger black dragon to play with him while the elder simply snorted doing his best to ignore the young dragon but trying to ignore luffy was like trying to ignore a raging hurricane tearing down your house. A loud squak caught your attention to the giant delivery bird perched on your railing in front of you, reaching into it's bag it handed you a vanilla envelope then taking off as soon as you accepted it.

"He seemed to be in a hurry." You shrugged tearing open the envelope taking out a small group of pictures you felt the blood drain from your face at what you saw. You dropped the envelope the wind catching it and carrying it off, shaky hands shuffled through the pictures seeing the different angles of your brother tied to a chair bloody and beaten. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes staring at where your brother's left arm used to be, a bloodied rag tied around it to help stop the bleeding. "Oh god, no, please no." You whimpered looking at the next photo, a close up of your brother half-conscious face his lip busted, a black eye, his nose broken, 2 massive wounds on his face and neck. Your phone went off reaching into your back pocket you grabbed it looking at the dreaded text lighting up the screen.

See what happens when you lie? You have a week to give me what I want or I can't promise that Mr. Eustass here will be breathing when you see him again, choose wisely. - Restricted Number.

(A/N this will be the last chapter I upload until the end of May when I finally get back from my hiatus.) 

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