Color Vision AU

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"That will be $7.43." Mark nodded, pulling out his wallet and fishing out a ten, handing it to the teenager behind the counter. She took it, plopping it into one of the little trays and pulling out his change, placing it in the older mans hands. "And here is your change sir. Have a nice day!"

"You too" Mark responded, taking his caramel latte and cream biscuit and walking out of Starbucks, leaving the buzzing coffee shop behind him. He strolled down the streets of LA, admiring the world around him as he took a bite of his biscuit. The cars zoomed down the road, girls in tank tops and flip flops laughing as they gossiped about the summer festival coming up. The sun was bright in the sky, fat clouds chasing each other through the crystal clear sky.

Mark smiled to himself,  a content feeling washing over him and leaving a tingly feeling on his skin. Life was good. He had his dog, his friends, and a great community. What more could he want? Taking aa sip of his latte he turned his head, his ears pulling his attention toward a couple on the opposite sidewalk. They held hands, leaning their heads together and whispering to each other. They only had eyes fir each other as they passed Mark. He could hear their laughter drifting back to meet him.

Only then did Marks smile falter, pulling the cup away from his own lips. Most people by now would have found their soulmate. A soulmate was the person who was best fit for you to spend the rest of your life with, and vice versa. Oft times you would find your one person in highschool, some even lucky enough to find theirs in grade school. Some had to travel around a bit before finding theirs. But, once they finally did, the world around them would gain color. Everyone is born with black and white vision, but that one special person is able to peel the veil away from your face. It was funny, considering colors were such a big part of Marks life.

He has a thriving YouTube channel, and has had one for quite some time now, giving him no chance to go out and explore. He was lucky enough that Matt and Ryan offered to walk his dog Chica today so that he could go out and have some time for himself, seeing as he had been overworking himself lately. With all of his charity live streams, skits that he's been recording, and hours of sleep he's been losing, he's barely managed to stay on his feet. But he loved every second of it, and didn't mind the fact that he couldn't see color.

And yet, it was at times like these where he kind of wished that he could go out and find his soul mate, that he could go out and find his perfect match. He's seen plenty of nice girls, no doubt, but none have opened up his eyes.

With these thoughts in mind he ran a hand through his hair once more, admiring the shade of the strands. He had asked his fans if he should dye his hair or not, just for a change in grey shades for him, and most of them agreed. He had gotten it colored what some of his fans called "red", and it was fading away. He had tried asking some of his subscribers what this red was, but all they could describe it as was heat, and anger, and fuel. He smiled, taking another bite of his biscuit and sitting down on a bench, hoping for a few moments of peace before he had to start heading back home.

A graceful wind began to pick up, making Marks shirt flap a bit against his skin. The breeze was fully welcomed in the warm, summer heat, and a sigh of contentment slipped from the half-Koreans mouth. His eyes slipped shut, a smile of bliss melting onto his lips. Until- "What color is my bracelet?"

Marks eyes snapped open, darting around for the owner of the voice before falling on a young girl who had sat down beside him, curly hair pulled into pigtails and fluffy skirt pinned beneath her skinny legs. Mark gave a sad chuckle, smiling down at the girl. "I wish I could tell you. But I haven't found the one for me yet."

"Oh" she uttered, tilting her head, "I just thought, since you're an adult, you could tell me." It was then that Make noticed the intricately braided yarn bracelet on her left wrist, hanging slightly loose on her wiry frame. "My best friend made it for me. She's really nice! You know who else is nice?"

"No, I don't!" Mark said, playing along, giving the girl a large grin and tilting his head in the same manner that she did. "Who else is nice?"

"JackSepticeye!" She giggled and Mark blinked in confusion, having expected an answer like "my mommy" or "my dog", not the name of someone who sounded like they were sick.

"Jack who?" He asked and she gigged once more, her legs ruffling her skirt.

"He's a YouTuber! He's super funny and nice! Bad word leave his mouth a lot but Mom and Dad said as long as I don't repeat after him, I could watch his videos!" Mark frowned, pulling out his phone and unlocking it before passing it to the girl.

"Here. Can you look him up for me?" He asked, curiosity biting at him. She nodded, accepting the device and tapping onto YouTube, fingers typing away. Finally she handed it back, clicking the play button and letting a Happy Wheels episode of his start.

"WAPISH! TOP OF T' MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE AND WELCOME TO HAAAAAPPPPYYY WHEEEELS!" A loud, Irish voice boomed from the phones speaker, causing a few strange looks to be cast their way. But Mark didn't care. For his breath had caught in his through at the sight of the Irish gamer. Everything was in black and white, like it always was, but one thing was different: his hair.

Suddenly, Mark understood why his subscribers couldn't describe color as he stared at Jacks mop of green hair swished across his head. It was...bright, full of energy, the color of adrenaline and fun, and spoke of fun and joy. Green Mark thought, looking up from his phone to find the world slowly melting into something beautiful and breathtaking. Blue he thought, staring at the sky, with its calming tones and at the pond a little ways across with its gentle waves. Blue and brown and pink and magenta and crimson and yellow and orange and mahogany and...

"Purple." The girl looked up from the video, warm eyes flickering with confusion before seeing the older male staring at her bracelet. "Your bracelet is purple, with turquoise beads." After a moment she seemed to understand, a large grin coming to her face.

"Who did you see?" Mark smiled, taking his phone and showing her the screen.

"I saw Jack."


"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and I know that I made a vlog just yesterday but I have some news that I think you guys will be excited about: my hair is red. Yeah, I know, you guys have told me this before, but now I know! It's red, a faded, dull red that melts into my natural hair. And my logo is a bright pink and my eyes are brown and my back paneling is blue and black.

Yes. I found that one person. And its so amazing! The world is so much brighter than it used to be and its such an amazing feeling! And I can't meet him in real life." Jack paused the video, eyes wide with shock at the bright blue of Marks shirt. He looked up from his computer monitor, looking around the room in shock as black and white shifted into a rainbow of bright colors.

And he smiled, popping down to the comment section below the vlog before typing:

I found you

Moments later, he got a reply from the one and only Markiplier.

I know. And your eyes are a beautiful blue.

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