Tattoo AU

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I bit my lip as I walked into the gym, my green hair falling slighty in my eyes. How long has it been since I've even been in one of these? Too long, that's for sure. I released my lip, daring to look up and around. I immediately regretted it. All around me were tough, buff, big ol' cheetah puffs.

I shivered slightly, my skin growing cold even though it was hot and humid in here. I tugged on my sweat bands self consciously, covering up my tattoo. You see, when people are born, they have a little mark on the underside of their wrist that tell their gender preference. Take a guess. No, not gay, silly. Yep, I'm bisexual. Whoop-di-doo. I've been wearing long sleeves in the winter and colorful wristbands in the summer since before I can remember.

Anyways, back to the story. I made my way over to the bench press, having already payed the day prior. I felt so out of place, so awkward, as if I didn't belong amiss the gaggle of 'real men'. I mean, yeah, there were some women here, but even they looked tougher than I do. But none the less I got to work, sliding down and under the metal bar.

I knew people were looking my way: I get a lot of attention from my hair.

1, 2, 3, 4,

Something was off. I couldn't tell what it was. Maybe I'm just being parinoid?

5, 6, 7, 8,

I need to get out more. There was a time, long ago, when I used to work out everyday, but I didn't really get the chance to do that anymore.

9, 10, 11, 12,

Wait, should I have come with someone else? A lot of people here seem to be in groups. Oh Christ on a log, it's been wwwaaayyyy too long.

13, 14, 1-

"Hey, green bean bro!" Oh boy, here goes. I stopped, sliding the bar back into place and taking a breath. I then slid out from under it, sitting up.

"Yeah? Whatcha want?" I looked over, feeling my breath catch slightly at the sight of these confident looking men headed over, swagger in their steps. Just great.

"Just wanted to give a customary greeting, that's all" a blonde guy remarked, his Swedish accent a bit funny, but it's Ireland, who am I to judge? He had bright blue eyes and behind him was a guy with a thick, brown beard. He tried waving over two others, but they merely flicked him off.

So instead, he shrugged and turned back to me, giving my shoulder a hard clap. "The names Felix! And this here is Ken!"

"Hello!" He said warmly, holding out his hand to shake. I took his offer, noting that both of them were straight. It's a habit I get from knowing who I can show my mark around and who I can't.

"Um, hi? Nice to meet you I guess?" I said nervously, not sure how to handle the situation as I dropped my hand, letting it swing awkwardly at my side.

They both chuckled. "Don't be nervous bro, there nothing to be afraid of. Unless your gay. Cause that's just weird." Is it just me or did the room suddenly get about 10 times hotter?

"Wait, why?" I asked, feeling sweat begin to form on the sides of my brows. Felix raised an eyebrow, and I internally laughed because I can do so much better.

"Because how stupid is that?! Women had boobs and a nice butt; men have chest hair. Why date a guy for the same thing you have." I grit my teeth. It's not about falling for someone's body. It's about falling for who they are.

"There is nothing weird about being gay. Or Bisexual." Felix froze, eyes narrowing.

"I never said anything about being Bisexual. Though that's even worse..." It was my turn to freeze.

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