Superheros AU

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"Mark!" The red-head man whipped around, brown eyes widening with fear as he ducked yet another swipe at him. He was precariously close to the edge of the building, and the ground below did NOT look pleasant. His knees were shaking something mighty and if he hadn't been reminding himself that he was a grown man, a few whimpers might have escaped him. But none had.

He leapt back, trying to avoid the villains desperate grabs at him. He hadn't caught the evil doers name, but the blood red, armor decked personal was frightening enough to run from without a title. At least Mark knew his motives: He was the great Jackaboy's boyfriend, super hero of Ireland. Seán had warned him time and time again of the dangers Mark faced being in a relationship with him, but each time the half-Korean retorted with a soft kiss and a reminder that he was stronger than most men and could take care of himself.

However, things did not look good as Jack knocked another blow at the villian, giving Mark a quick look as the person fell to their knees. 'Run!' It screamed, but like hell he was gonna leave his boyfriend now. Besides, they were up on the roof of a building. Where could he go? So instead he ran, darting around the villian and sprinting up to his panic eyed boyfriend. "What are you doing!?" Jackaboy hissed fiercly, his commanding and disapproving tone so different to his gentle and understanding alter ego.

"I'm helping" he replied simply, undeterred, and the superhero let out a groan. But there wasn't time for arguing, and the both of them were too stubborn to back down from a challenge. They took a battle stance, Mark with his fists raised before him and Jack ready to use his magnified vocal cords at the flick of a wrist. The amour decked person straightened, pulling their knees off the roof of the building to face the lovers.

"What do you want?!" Jackaboy asked, his voice carrying across the roof and through the noisy air of Ireland. The villian was masked and showed no emotion, but the garbled voice that emmited from behind the facade gave away their feelings clear as daylight.

"You couldn't save Billy! You saved me and not Billy!" The distress and rage was painfully obvious in their, his, exclaimation as they ripped off the mask. Mark and Jack both let out a small gasp at the sight of the mans face. It was painfully scarred, as if he had been in a horrible accident and he never got proper treatment. Tears were streaming down his face, collecting at his blood crusted chin and dripping onto his amour, which Mark was starting to think may actually be painted with blood. The thought made him shudder, but with the wild look in this poor guys eyes, it wouldn't suprise him.

"Oh Steve..." Jack whispered, dropping his battle stance and tentativly walking toward the grief carved man. Mark, having naught the faintest clue as to what was unfolding, followed behind. "You know I would have saved him if I could have." He reached out a gloved hand to Steve, but the elder backed away, pain contorting his features.

"NO! I don't belive you! You hated him! You HATED Billy!" He screamed, and Mark quickly grabbed his boyfriends shoulder, trying to pull him away and into safer territory. "His death is YOUR fault!"

"I saved as many kids as I could! I tried to reach him, but the science lab was locked! I didn't have time to break down the door! I'm sorry!" Jack cried, pain creeping onto his own features, the banal blue cloth covering his eyes doing nothing to mask the hurt pooling in their depths. Mark held onto to him even tighter, sliding his hand down to the junction of the superheros arms and tugging on him harder. He only had a shallow grasp of what was going on and didn't like where this was headed.

"SHUT UP!!!" STEVE shrieked, his voice hoarse and cracking violently. His armour shattered, splitting into hundreds of sharp shards as what looked like inky black tentacles burst from his body, reaching forward and snatching up Jackaboy before Mark had a chance to do anything. The Irishman struggled violently in Steves grasp, a cry of pain leaving him as he was yanked to eye level with Steve. " Now," Steve whispered hoarsely, " You get to watch me have a little fun with the one you most love." Jack growled, a funny sound, but it was cut short by something else.

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