Reverse Colors AU

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Mark stared in defeat at the ground, refusing to let his eyes fill with tears. It was embarrassing, this was embarrassing, but he was having a hard time holding in the water works. He wanted to seem strong, wanted to be there for his equally tearful friends who he knew were suffering in almost equal ways but he couldn't and he knew it. So he held it in for as long as possible, taking deep, slow breathes to try and calm his breathing. Until-

"And now we have one of Jacks closest friends to say a few words. Mark?"

The world was dull and covered in gray, pain filling him as he stepped up to the podium, his nice shoes clacking quietly on the shiny wood floors. He made it though, looking out at the few selective people who had been allowed to join them: Felix, Matt, Ryan, Jacks editor who, for the life of him, Mark couldn't remember his name right now. Bob, Wade, Ken. Jacks siblings and parents. His girlfriend. Himself. A shuddering breath passed through as he leaned into the mic, being wary of feedback as he spoke up.

"Jack...well, he's something else." His voice was hoarse and rough, though there wasn't much he could do about it. A piece of his red hair fell gently in front of his eyes, and he took a moment to push it back, thankful for the moments interuption. He tried composing himself slighty, his heart beating irraticaly and his head woozy.

"He is an amazing person who can't shut up for the life of him. Though, it's not like any of us would ever ask him to: he's got too much going on though that amazing head of his. You can't keep it all contained.

"See, Jack...he's like a giant ray of sunshine. So full of light and joy. Just one smile from him could probably keep you going for days, and he has enough energy to feed to the entire world. Twice. You could bottle him up and spread him around but you can't. He's too stunning to be held back.

"I remember when I first met him. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, lip clenched between his teeth as if he was nervous. I didn't know what it was at the time, but now I know: he was scared to met me. He looked up, and the first thing I noticed was his eyes: a brilliant, brilliant color, far brighter than the camera was ever able to pick up on, I was sure of after re-watch in his videos. He seemed to radiate joy and I knew, in that moment, that I would to anything and everything I could to make sure those eyes never lost their color, their spark.

"I- " he tried, choking on a sob that threatened to rip from his throat, threatened to tear him apart from the inside out. "I miss those colors. I miss the blues and the greens and the reds and everything else." His next sob was uncontainable. "I miss him."

Most of the people that were gathered around had begun sobbing, not daring to look over at the coffin, not daring to look over at the confirmation that this was real and that he wasn't coming back. He wasn't.

However, instead of trying to hold it in, Mark merely let another sob rack him, tears streaming down his face at an alarming rate now that he let them out, now that he let loose the dam that had been holding them in. "We love you Jack. All 12 million of us."

He couldn't take it anymore. Stepping down from the podium he ran, ran faster than he ever had before. He heard shouts of alarm and cries for him to come back but this only spurred him on, letting his feet take him far, far away from the scene. This was almost worst than Daniel, and as the dawning horror of what that meant sunk in he released a cry, sinking to the ground. He didn't know where he was and he didn't care as he released a scream of agony to the world, cursing it for taking Jack away, for taking his Jack away.

He's gone, and he's never coming back

~ ~ ~

Jack grinned wildly, popping into the back of the taxi with enough energy to fuel the damn thing all by himself. However, there wasn't time to dwell as the Irishman gave the cab driver Marks address, urging him quite loudly to get there was fast as possible. The cab driver sighed and rolled his eyes, having heard this same line a million times before but revving up the engine none the less

The minutes seemed to tick by agonizingly slow as the cab moved through the streets of L.A.. Jack couldn't wait. It had been months, far too many months for his liking, over 10 months since he last saw Mark in person, and just the anticipation was slowly driving him mad.

And then it happened. They swerved. The colors flew by. The car smashed into something, Jack couldn't tell what. The car was ablaze. He was trapped. The Cab driver was dead. The smoke was beginning to filter into his lungs.

He pulled out his cellphone, calling Mark.


"Oh hey Jack! I'm just at the store buying some stuff for when you arrive. Oh God, don't tell me you're there already?!"

Jack chuckled. "No, I'm not. I just wanted to tell you to get yer arse home quickly. I'll be there in about an hour."

Marl sighed, a relived noise. The flames flickered ever closer. "Oh, thank God. So, while I've got you on the phone, I've got a question: ramen noodles or chicken wings?"
Jack coughed. The smoke hurt. His eyes were losing their luster. "Jack? Are you OK?"

"Yeah love, I'm fine; just a little dust, that's all."

"Oh. Well then, which one?"

"Surprise me."

Mark laughed. "Alright then, have it your way." The phone got quiet. Too quiet. Jack was almost certain Mark could hear the police sirens in the distance, drawing nearer. "I miss you."

Jacks heart broke, and the tears finally began to poor down his face. "I know. I love you, you know that?"

Mark inhaled sharply. "...Jack..."

"Just go buy some fucking groceries and be back home in time, OK Markimoo?" The light atmosphere was back.

"Alright, alright. See you soon. Buh-byeee~."

The phone went dead.

And Jack closed his eyes.


Mark grinned, hanging up. Shoving his phone into his pocket he reached over to grab a dozen package of chicken wings. His hand went gray. Mark stared at it, confused and more than a little worried as the entire world began to lose it color, it's brightness, it's joy.

Then it hit him.

A strange noise strangled itself out of his throat. His knees threatening to give way.

'Jack, we both know this can't work.'

'But why Mark!? Why?!We both know that qe love each other. I love you with all of my heart and I know damn well you care for me in at least some fashion! So why won't you just try?!'

'It would ruin everything! Our careers, our family lives, our friendships, everything either of us had ever worked for would come crashing down!'


He cried out. Took a few fumbling steps backwards. "Oh God Jack. No, no, no, no, no! Jack..."

'So, what now. Are you just gonna...leave me? Go on and pretend that this never happened. Go back to being their Markiplier and forget being MY Mark?'




'Your eyes are a beautiful blue.'

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