Alternate Careers AU

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With a groan Mark slammed a limp hand over his alarm, using his other limb to rub sleepily at his face. His eyes opened, taking in the dark room until they had adjusted enough to make out his dog sleeping on the end of the bed, her back rising and falling peacefully.

With a heavy sigh he drew his covers back, sitting up in bed and swinging his legs around the side until he felt he was conscious enough to stand without his knees buckling from beneath him. He then stood, streaching a bit before heading to his closet to get dressed. "Another boring day" He mumbled to himself, his exhaustion sticking to him like an overgrown parasite, suckling at his life force until he was nothing left but a husky shell qof what once was a vibrant man. "You wanted to be an emgineer, and now you are one."

But he had never wanted to be one and he knew it. Mark Fischbach. His brain and wit had pulled him through college, getting him a degree in engineering. His boss couldn't get enough of him and often overworked the poor man, mainly for the point of how well he does his job. Mark knew he didn't mean any harm. He just wasn't catching the bags under Mark's eyes everyday.

With these thoughts running through his head Mark quickly dressed, brushing his teeth and running a comb through his raven floof, it's soft texture starting to become greasy from days of neglect, and headed out the door.

Once outside he took a deep breath, letting the morning sun sink into his skin. The bushes in front of his house, which hadn't been tended to for quite some time, seemed a shade lighter, almost glowing with a lighter grayish color. Mark sighed, not able to fully enjoy the sunrise because of his color vision, but this was his normal routine.

Besides, he was too busy as it was without having to worry about a soul mate.

Taking one last quick, calming moment Mark pulled out his keys, fumbling with them for a moment before finally opening his car and stepping inside. Revving up the engine and pulling out of the driveway Mark flicked on the radio, groaning internally as a cheesy love song came on.

And yet, as he began his lonely drive to work, the lyrics got him thinking. When was the last time he had even looked around for his loved one? Heck, when was the last time he took the time of day to be himself, not this robotic personality that he had fallen into? He could barely remember the last joke he cracked.

'Wasn't it last month when Molly asked me something about getting coffee that morning?' He thought to himself, a small smile curving onto his lips at the memory. It quickly faded though with the dawning horror of reality. They were sucking the personality out of him. They were taking the Mark out of him and leaving only Mr.Ficshbach. They were breaking him...he was losing himself...lost...lost...

Marks car swerved, the man in it struggling to keep himself under control until, finally, he yanked himself into a small coffee shops parking lot, sweat trickling down his brow as his labored breathing began to suffocate him.

He groaned, running him hands over his face and through his hair. "It's too early in the morning for this" he mumbled under his breath, suddenly all too aware of how truly exhausted he was. Fortunately, there was a coffee shop right behind him.

Trying to grasp his bearings the half-korean turned off his engine, stepping out of the car and, with shaky legs, made his way over to the aroma flooded café. The door opened with a small ding from a bell hanging over the doorway, the small chime echoing through the nearly silent room. It was a small, quaint and clean shop, almost antique looking. The only signs of life appeared to be a bored man sitting over the counter and a teenager in the corner with her headphones on, munching away on a croissant.

Mark walked over to the counter where the bored looked up, taking Mark and his suit in before casting his bored gaze somewhere else. "Hello, welcome to the Crybaby Coffee shop, how can I help you?" The man, Felix as his name tag stated, asked in a Swedish accent. Mark gulped taking a quick look at the menu before glancing back.

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