Peeta's Point of view

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I arrive at Finnick's house and he greets me like we are best friends. We used to be.

He takes me through to the 'party room' Where the girls are giggling. Katniss looks up and I am captivated by her eyes. He mouth is open a bit. I duck my head shyly and make my way to the kitchen. All of a sudden my throat is dry and burning.

I gulp down a glass of water before feeling a presence behind me. I spin round and find Katniss. we talk for a bit. then she hugs me. Trust me that hug was the best hug I had ever felt. I swear it was like she was electricity. A dozen volts went through me. or so it felt.

Finnick then came and told us we were all going to play spin the bottle.

It finally got to my turn and it landed on Katniss.

"Katniss" Johanna said getting her attention. I was blushing like mad. We both lean in. Her warm plump lips touch mine and in an instant sparks were flying through me. I leaned into the kiss further but she pulls away. I frown. was I too fast? I watch her as she spins the bottle. I recognize her wrist spin. My brother can do this he can spin it so it lands on who he wants. I just don't have the knack. I see that the bottle lands on Finnick and I see the smile on her face. They lean in and kiss. I notice the movement as she allowed his tongue access. She pulls away and glances at me. My face shows disappointment.

After 20 minutes Katniss brings out the alcohol. Her and Johanna share a bottle of vodka that they mix with cider. I don't touch the alcohol just sticking to diet coke. We watch the Woman in Black. All the girls scream except Katniss. it's her who suggests no chicken truth or dare. No chicken because you can't say no to a dare and have to answer anything in truth.

Finnick goes first.

"Katniss. Truth or dare?" Finnick asks with a cheeky grin.

"Dare." She replys.

"Ok kiss Peeta for 5 minutes." She nods and walks over to me. I smell the alcohol on her breath when she presses her lips to mine. I get into the kiss. She sticks her tongue in and I happily let her. My hands move to her waist. It's awfully small. Her hands move to my hair. I hold in a moan. What am I doing? I think to myself. Finnick says its been after 5 minutes so Katniss breaks off the kiss and moves back to her space and takes a big swig of vodka. I see her face screw up a wee bit as the fiery liquid burns her throat. Of course it isn't as bad as when she had her first swig of it tonight.

"Annie. Truth or dare?" she asks a glint in her eye.

"Truth" Annie says

"Who in this room do you think is the hottest guy?" Katniss says as everyone turns to Annie to hear her reply

"Thresh." She says locking eyes with him before bursting out lauging and chugging her can of pear cider.

"Finnick truth or dare?" she asks. Of I remember Finnick I know he will pick dare. I slowly zone out and think of the time when me and Finnick were best friends.

"Dare" I hear him reply. I must remember him well I think.

"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven in that cupboard with the hottest girl in this room." She says sticking her tongue out. He stands up and takes Katniss's hand. The walk to the cupboard. The anger is welling up inside of me just wanting to explode.

Why am I thinking like this? I don't like Katniss. She is a friend. A friend who is a slut and plays with peoples feelings I add.

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