"Oh yes there is"


Oh shit. They know I'm here.

Shit, shit shit shit.

I turned on my heel and ran back up the stairs into my parents room.

I locked the door, and fetched the baseball bat I know my dad kept under the bed.

I ran into the en suite bathroom and sat on the toilet, trying to steady my breath. I couldn't jump out the window, as I'm on the second story and its a high jump. I dialled my Mums number with shaking hands and waited for her to pick up.

"Hi this is Melissa Harvey's phone, sorry I couldn't answer your call, I'll get back to you as soon as possible"

Voicemail , are you kidding me.

I rang my dad, but he didn't pick up either.

How much bad fucking luck can I get tonight.

My eyes widened, as I heard boots coming up the stairs.

I was in full panic mode, chewing on my lip.

'Fuck it, I'm calling the police' I thought.

Just as I was about to dial the number,  the handle to the door shook. 

"They're in here" a male voice called, the same one from downstairs.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die" I whispered.

'No, you're not, now dial the police you idiot' my subconscious reminded me .

I dialled the number just as the door flew open, and I let out a squeal.

It was the first time I'd got a glimpse of the intruder. Unfortunately he had a mask on. He seemed to catch on to what I was doing once he saw the phone in my hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said warningly.

I gulped, and pressed call.

He flew across the room, ready to grab the phone out if my hands.

I got the bat and swung just as he approached the bathroom door, but he dodged and grabbed my wrist, ending the call.

I struggled out if his grip and swung the bat again at his legs. He let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground.

I took that opportunity to drop the bat and jump over him, ready to flee the room. However, he caught my leg just as I reached the door, causing me to fall.

I kicked and struggled, but he seemed to regain his strength, and stand back up. I scrambled to my feet , and ran out of the room, down the stairs.

Keep in mind I was only dressed in underwear and a tee shirt.

I heard him run after me, and I began to panic. I ran into my kitchen, looking for a knife to grab.

He caught up, and suddenly a hand grabbed me by the waist, and another covered my mouth.

I let out a scream, and fought against him, screeching for him to let me go.

I got loose and turned to swing a punch at the guy. He avoided the swing, and shoved me against the wall.

"Shut up and stop" he growled.

"Get the fuck away from me" I spat, lashing out.

He was much stronger than me, so he seemed barely affected by my hits.

"Hey man, you good?" Ian came from the hallway, carrying a rucksack.

"Yeah, go get what we need, and hurry! We gotta get out of here" he said.

Ian nodded and ran into the living room, and I heard him poking around.

"Hey. Stop! That's ours you robbing bastard, stop" I screamed after him.

The guy who had me pinned against the wall shook me and pinned me harder.

"Are you the only one in the house" he asked.

I scoffed. "Get off of me" I spat, struggling.

I had an idea.

I bit harshly into the arm that was pinned across my chest, and the guy growled. His grip loosened.

I managed to get one arm free, and grabbed the top of his mask.

I pulled it off, and suddenly the world stopped.

I dropped the guys mask and stopped struggling.

"Shawn?" I breathed out.

"Shit" he muttered.

Ruin (Shawn mendes)Where stories live. Discover now