I slumped against the wall, shocked.

"What the fuck." I whispered.

"Okay, I'm assuming your a fan, oh fuck, just, stay quiet" Shawn said, while running a hand through his hair.

"It's you, you're the robber, all those different cities , it's where you've been on tour, it's you" I breathed out, scared and shocked.

"Ian" Shawn called.


"Get your ass in here" Shawn said, while looking at me.

God he's more beautiful in person. He looks hot with messy hair. Oh shit, I just bit Shawn Mendes, and hit him with a baseball bat!

'No Jess, he's robbing your house, he's hot, but dangerous' I argued with myself.

Shawn's grip had loosened so i could move, and I took this opportunity to dash out of his reach, and towards the front door.

When I reached for it, it was locked, and the key was in the kitchen. Shit.

Wait, so how did they get in.

I saw into the sitting room, and the window was wide open. Did I forget to lock that window?

I ran to the window, ready to jump out, when two hands pulled me back in.

"Stay put, and shut up" the voice said. I turned around in fright. It was Ian.

Shawn walked into the room. "What's your name" he asked.

"I'm not telling you"

Shawn looked pissed.

"What is your fucking name" he said, raising his voice.

"How about I tell you when this douchebag gets off of me" I said, referring to Ian.

Shawn nodded to Ian, and he let me go. Now Shawn was stood directly in front of me, Ian by the window, closing it.

"Go on" Shawn said.

"Jess" I muttered.

"What?" Shawn asked

"It's Jess! Now get out of my house. Please" I begged. My hands were still shaking, and tears began to build up in my eyes.

"Shawn mate, we don't have a choice, she knows who you are" Ian said.

Shawn nodded.

"Okay Jess, I'm afraid you will have to come with us " Shawn stated.

My eyes widen in fright.

"No, I'm not, no way. You may be Shawn Mendes but I'm not going anywhere with you now I know what your really like" I spoke, my voice shaking.

He laughed. "who said you have a choice" he said, stepping closer.

I took a few steps back.

"No, please, I promise I won't tell, I won't say a word, don't take me from my family, no , Shawn you're not like that" I tried to reason.

Shawn's face remained expressionless.

"Sorry, not your choice" Ian said from behind me.

"What are you gonna do with me huh? You're on tour, moving from place to place! You can't just kidnap me and take me from country to country without people noticing" I said, desperately looking for reasons why he shouldn't kidnap me.

Shawn looked at Ian, and then at me.

"Sorry Jess, you shouldn't have taken my mask off" he said.

That's when I realised I was doomed, and that nothing I say would change his mind.

"No, no please" I cried.

Shawn said nothing as he walked towards me, pulling a syringe out of his pocket.

I backed up, but Ian caught me, and held me in place.

I felt a prick in my arm, and fell forward into Shawn's arms.

"I'm sorry Jess" was the last thing I heard before the drug blocked out the world.

Ruin (Shawn mendes)Where stories live. Discover now