When I woke up, my head was pounding. My vision was blurry and it took my eyes a while to adjust to the brightness of the room.

When my vision finally returned, I realised I was on a sofa. But not my sofa. Memories of last night came flooding back, the robberies, Shawn, the drug. Fear rose in my stomach.

I threw the blanket that was covering me onto the ground and sat up quickly, only to get a horrible pain rise up my neck and into my head.

"Shit" I winced, rubbing the back of my head.

I got up off the sofa and looked around the room. It looked like a hotel room, with the white curtains and big TV. I spotted the door and sprinted towards it only to find it locked.

Checking my pockets, I couldn't find my phone. Them bastards took my phone!

Then I had an idea. The Hotel phone! I looked around and spotted it on the kitchen counter. Relief spread through me and I ran towards it. Picking up the phone, I dialled my mother's number in hope she would pick up this time, however, the phone wouldn't work.

They cut the phone line.

Oh for the love of God.

I suppose it could have been worse, I am still in London as Shawn has another show. I could be half way across Europe now with no way of returning home to my family.

A noise from the next room shook me out of my thoughts. It was of a toilet flushing.

I walked briskly to the kitchen drawer, quietly took out a knife and shoved it up my sleeve.

I don't really want to use it, but I don't want to be here either.

"I'd put that back in the drawer if I were you" Shawn's voice broke the silence, making me jump.

I turned around to see him leaning against the bedroom doorframe shirtless, with a pissed off expression on his face.
I gulped as he began walking towards me. I was glued to the spot, unable to move.

Hell, I was unable to breath right now.

"Jess" his voice was low and warning. "I won't ask you again, put it back in the drawer" he spoke strongly. I shook my head stubbornly and took a step back, my legs shaking. He was still walking closer to me.

His face remained expressionless as he approached the kitchen area, now less than two feet away from me.

I backed up as far as I could and gasped when I hit the kitchen wall. Shawn walked directly in front of me, and slowly reached for the sleeve I had the knife stuffed under. He rolled my sleeve up, his fingers brushing along my arm, and grabbed the knife, pulling it away from me, all the while not breaking eye contact with me.

He examined my face and then returned his gaze to my eyes. I was holding my breath in fear of what he was going to do.

He raised his arm and put it directly beside my head, against the wall.

"Now Jess" he spoke quietly, his face only inches from mine. "Make it easy on yourself and don't try any stunts like that again" he said.

I nodded and gulped.

"Good" he said. "Because I'm not going to hurt you, you can leave once I've finished the tour. I just can't have you telling people what happened yesterday now can I? That wouldn't be good" his breath was fanning against my neck.

"Shawn I won't say anything to anyone I promise you, I'll forget about what happened, just please don't make me stay. Your tour finishes in months, I can't stay here! I need to go back to my family now" I pleaded, trying to make my voice seem strong, and not scared.

He looked at me, and I could see he had sympathy in his eyes. But he just shook his head.
"Sorry jess, but this tour means everything to me and I'm not going to let anything jepordise that" he said. "I don't want to rob people, but frankly I don't have a choice" he spoke, looking me directly into the eyes.

"What do you mean? Of course you have a choice" I said angrily. He was pretending to be all innocent. Like he had no choice but to kidnap me!

Shawn looked shocked then furious at my statement.

"You don't know anything" he spat, then turned and stormed off.

I stood there in shock.


Ruin (Shawn mendes)Where stories live. Discover now