Chapter 3

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( Not going to be a long chap like hoped but it was an update. For those of you that are say " oh you forgot about this. You never update " I did NOT. I said this was a " preview " of the story. I was finishing others before I take it on full time...thats what im doing so bare with me. Thank you for still reading and sticking through this with me. Xox Much Love -- Shantii )


Ari ***

When Im in A mode im not to be fvcked with. There is not niceness. There is not talking or working things out.

Im all about my paper. If you ain't speaking money you ain't speaking to me.

Enough said. I had business to take care of. So I simply walked past Wayne with a head nod and strut.

" Any new news on this nigga KW? " I ask.

Frankly I was getting tired of hearing him...or hearing about him in the streets.

" Man, All i been hearing is that he getting money. I asked a few bitches and of course they answer had something to do with the pipe he lay " I shook my head. Bitches rather fvck then get this mula " I wasn't worried bout the nigga D game. I also found out he setting up a spot on Vergin..."

" We might run in and hit that bitch up "

" You know I stay loaded so it ain't a problem "

The shooters on my team real. Leave a nigga planking still.

" Whats up with Ice T ? " Rita asked scrolling through her Galaxy marking down things and checking business files.

" I have a meeting with him ya know. Im taking the 3 of you with me cause ion trust the nigga like that to be alone with him " I explain.

" We gotchu "

I looked around the bar waiting for Tiffany. This bitch was gon' hand over my money...or im a smoke her ass right in here.

" What can get you to drink ? " A female comes up.

" Jamaican Ice tea "

" Henny and coke...girl im from Harlem " I chuckled and shook my head at her dumb ass.

" The same "

" and you ? " She turns to me.

" Patron on ice " I was getting pissed off every second she did't come so im a have something strong to calm my nerves. " Where Tiffany at ? "

" Umm she was getting ready to go home early. She's not feeling good but is that all ? "

I looked at the girls. This bitch dodging me. I seen her peaking around the corner by Wayne and them. I slide out the booth and went that way. Ignoring the calls i was getting. She tried to slide between Wayne and them and I grabbed her by her shirt pulling her back. " Im in the worst fvcking mood you would want to cross me at...You're best bet is to walk your boney black ass over there to that booth and sit the fuck down...Or I'll murder you and everyone in this bitch. Try me "

I wisper in her ear. She thought about what she should do before walking to our booth. I followed and pushed her in the seat. " Where the fvck is my money at ? "

" What happen was....I got into some trouble " I put my gun to her stomach under the table and looked at her.

" What the hell does that have to do with you not handing my money up on collection day? See, im surprised you would even try me after Dea died over this same shit. But you, you wanna take me there. Im dissappionted ".

The fact that these workers feel as if they are gonna get over on me..Im pissed off. The fact it even came to a point where they felt like that was cool. Im mad at myself for letting that happen.

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