I'm so sorry

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I am so sorry. I really am. It's been a whole fucking year without me updating and I just... I'm so sorry. A lot has happened, and I just never had any motivation to continue. I'm sorry for letting down anyone that followed this story and actually liked it. I'm sorry for the wait. Thanks to the people who inspired me to write again, you know who you are. Especially _5_crazy_mofos, who gave me the final push. Here's the next chapter, I hope it's okay, my writing style has changed, a lot. It's short, but it's something.


Louis’s POV

I watched Skye silently disappear up the stairs. I wonder why she left? I dug my fork back into the tender chicken on the plate in front of me. Niall, his plate literally licked clean, stood up and entered the kitchen just as Harry came out. His once empty plate was now full. Looks like Niall won’t get thirds after all.

I heard Niall call from the kitchen. “Harry! I wanted that!”

Skye still hadn’t come back down, I started to hear the shower run. Was she going to bed? It was only 8! As quickly as it turned on, the running water of the shower turned off. Now I was curious. I quickly excused myself from the table, setting my dish in the sink and padding up the stairs after her. When I finally reached the top of the long staircase, she was nowhere to be seen. I peeked into her bedroom, making sure to knock and not make the same mistakes Harry had made. When nobody answered, I went ahead and swung the door open. Maybe she was still in the bathroom? I tiptoed across the tidy space, making sure not to knock anything over.

“Skye?” I asked through the door. “Are you in there? I heard the shower go on and then off again and I was a bit curious to see what you were doing. You alright love?”

I turned the knob of the door, too worried to wait for her answer.


The bathroom was dark, and certainly empty. I watched her come up here, so where the hell could she have gone? I exited the bathroom and rushed out the balcony out her window. Nothing but a white wicker chair and a glass side table.

“Skye? Are you playing a prank on me? I’ll warn you I don’t take prank wars lightly. You can come out now! The joke’s up okay? You’ve won,” I called out into the empty room. No response.

The faint sound of a piano playing drifted through the thin walls. I guess she had gone into the other room. I strode in and was hit with a wave of amazement. The front of the rectangular room was lined with mirrors, reflecting the look of utter shock on my face. But it wasn't the walls that caught my eye, it was Skye, twisting and twirling along in sync with the piano. It was mesmerizing, her body flowed like water. I couldn't look away. As the tempo rose, her spins became faster and more controlled, from water to steel. The spinning stops and she raises her leg straight into the air. The music cut off, snapping me out of my trance.

Damn. That's hot.

She let her leg down and pushed the away the strays that had fallen from her bun. A large sigh escaped her lips, and then she started to cry.

I froze. Should I go and comfort her? Or did she need to be alone? I could never tell when it came to women.

Her sobs got louder, I could hear her murmuring something to herself. Finally deciding, I rushed over to her, I couldn't stand to see her like this.

Skye's POV

The music stopped. In the silence I could hear my heart beating, quick and uneven. I let my leg down from its position. A sharp pain wrapped itself around my chest, pulsing slowly. I knew I shouldn't have come in here, it was stupid of me, but I needed an escape from, well, just everything. But at what cost? I knew what would happen if I came in here. I knew I would end up-

A small tear dripped down my cheek.

-crying. I couldn't keep holding it back. My lone tear turned into a sniffle, and eventually a sob. Memories of my sister and I dancing together at my old studio flooded my brain. She loved to watch me twirl, balancing delicately on my toes. She couldn't enjoy watching me anymore though.

"I'm so sorry Lexi. I'm so sorry," I murmured to myself.

Without warning a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist from the back.

A high pitched screech erupted from my mouth. I turned around, fist clenched, ready to punch my attacker. However, before I swung, I realized it was only Louis. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes.

"How long have you been in here?" I asked.

A look of concern passed over his features. "Since the middle of the song. Skye are you okay? You were dancing so amazingly and then you just broke down in tears!"

I looked away, embarrassed that he caught me at such a vulnerable moment. A slender finger grabbed hold of my chin, lifting my face up to meet his. Still though, I kept my eyes down.

"Skye. Skye."

My eyes snapped up, all traces of sadness erased from their corners.

He smiled, but then his face became serious.

"You can trust me. Okay?"

I nodded.

"I'm fine," I managed to say without my voice cracking, "Just a bad memory."

Reluctantly, he let go of me, accepting my vague answer. Mumbling to himself, he left the room, leaving me in silence.

"I'm fine," I whispered to myself, thinking maybe if I said it enough, it would become true.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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