Just a Dream

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Alrighty then. I'm posting this chapter way early because I'm so freaking HAPPY!!!!!!!!! I can't give it away because my best friend reads this and I'm not ready to tell her (cue the evil glare from Marina) but its enough to make me want to spread the love and maybe make your lives a little bithappier when you read Skye's dream. Enjoy! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D SO FREAKING HAPPY


Skye’s POV

“He’s such a bother. How do you keep up with him?” I asked.

“I ignore him mostly. After a while you get used to it,” Niall shrugged, slipping an arm around my shoulders. “You look tired. Wanna go to sleep?”

I merely nodded in response, resting my head into his shoulder and closing my eyes, letting a peaceful sleep wash over me. This boy, he really was something wasn’t he.


I sat down on the couch, eating my cookie, watching the birds flit by the window. A shadow came up behind me and I instantly knew who it was. Setting my snack down, I rushed around the back of the couch to tackle him.

“Watch it Skye, you’re going to hurt me one of these days,” Niall chuckled. “Hey, I have a surprise for you, meet me on the roof in 5.”

He pressed a quick to my lips and scurried up the stairs, grabbing his guitar on the way. What in the world could that boy be doing? After waiting a minute I scrambled after him, grabbing my cardigan because it was sure to be cold outside. I stepped out onto the balcony, climbing up the little ladder to our flat roof. When I finally reached my destination, I was met by a beautiful shirtless blonde boy, surrounded by candles. He pulled out his guitar from behind his back and began to hum the tune to Little Things, strumming along with each note. Once he finished the song, I went and tackled him to the ground, pressing numerous kisses to his cheeks.

“Aww. Niall you’re so sweet,” I paused and looked straight into his eyes. “I love you.”

He looked up at me in shock before a huge grin came over his features. “I love you too Skye.”

Giggling, I pushed my lips against his before letting go and getting off the ground. He put his arms around me and led me back down the ladder, bringing his guitar with him. Once we were back downstairs he dragged me to the kitchen. Opening the blender, he chucked in a couple of strawberries and blueberries, my favorite. I instantly recognized it as a smoothie. Geez, this boy knew me so well. It had always been my dream to be serenaded by my boyfriend and then cuddle up with the fruity drinks afterwards.

Suddenly, he turned, blurting out, “Do you wanna kiss me Skye?”

I gave him a confused look before smirking. “Of course Ni,” I giggled, “But don’t you want to finish our smoothies first? I’ll give you a hug though.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him. Soon enough, he enveloped me into a bone-crushing “Horan Hug”, twirling the ends f my hair around his slender fingers. He dragged me over to the couch then, sitting me down to watch The Vow, my favorite movie. A few minutes into the movie, I drifted off to sleep, still snuggled into his arms.

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