Escaping from the Wrath of an Older Brother...

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Emmalyn POV


'Yes!' I let out a sigh of relief and run out the room. Of course, I grab the detention slip from the desk on my way out. "One class down, five more to go!" I throw a fist pump into the air. 


"Flipping freaking freaks!" I holler in pain as my fist comes in contact with someone's jaw. Who has a jaw this hard? I felt like I hit a brick wall. I wrap my hand around my bruised hand to numb the pain resonating from my knuckles.

I hear a collective gasp as I nurse my aching hand. What's going on? Is high school really this dramatic? I don't want to admit it but Sunny was right about high school.

"Did she just?" A girl gasps.

"...she did!" Her friend agrees. 

"Well, she's screwed." 

"Tsk, freshman."

"Pity her.."

"That bitch! She hit Jason's flawless face!"

I look pointedly at the girl who said that. I cock an eyebrow. Well, Jason has a little follower.

"What you looking at freak?"

"You." I look at her again and her outfit. I try not to judge her but I don't think her outfit is school appropriate. "Don't mind me." I flash her a fake smile.

I slowly turn around, already knowing who I punched by now. "Uh hey Sunny! How was class?" I cringe and give an awkward wave. 

He rubs his jaw. "That's one hell of a punch." He doesn't even look angry. He looks more amused if anything.

"Technically, it's a fist pump!" I correct him sheepishly. Whew. 

Drake comes around and rests an elbow on Jason's shoulder. He nods towards me.

"Whatever," Jason rolls his eyes. Then, he glares at me. Forget what I said before. He is mad. 

"I'm sorry. It's just a small punch." I shrink back a little. 

"Nothing to see here." Jason directs his glare at the people around us. They scurry away like frightened mice.

Hmmmmm. I observe this power of his. Very interesting. 

"It's not that Em. You damaged that big pride of his. Now, this big bad boy will have rumors spreading about how a little girl punched him," Drake grinned. 

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