i got tagged (and a doodle)

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arc_five_troopers tagged me for this

arc_five_troopers tagged me for this

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i just didnt want to crop ok

*looks at number 4*

what are the rules? the screenshot?


okaY lets do it ill post a doodle after

1. i like eating refrigerated blueberry pie leftovers. i kid you not thats what i asked for for my 12th birthday instead of cake it's really weird

2. i actually started writing poetry before i "got good" at drawing which is one reason why (i dont know if i mentioned this before) i want to try out spoken word

3. i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really dont like romance novels im sorry i dont mean to offend anyone but i just i cant i need plot noT relATionshiP strUGGLES I SEE PLeNty of thAt in reaL liFe alreaDy

4. i have so many pet peeves that sometimes i feel like a terrible person. if i were to go through every one starting now it would probably take two hours

5. this is how my wattpad looks when im reading, and im really curious as to what settings you dudes have yours on (lmao im such a weirdo). 14% goin strong m8
since it doesnt show font size, its the second to smallest, so if i pressed Aa- one more time that would be the minimum

sleepykittystudios Wolf_Visions TheEyeOfAWatchingOwl _Dwezt_ EmmerzBear CloudOfEarlyAutumn Reaper_Space_Fox Hurri_The_Runaway (idk if you do tags im sorry if you dont)Dentiloquency tusky_mima BlackFoxes12 Creepy_The_Wolf The_Square_Peg potter_spel...

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Hurri_The_Runaway (idk if you do tags im sorry if you dont)

here is a really pathetic doodle

i cant oriental i need more practicE

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i cant oriental i need more practicE

i was sitting in me mums car; this is on the back of my parent's bank transaction history l0l

oh my gosh i just remembered i have a buttload of old art

ill post it in the next chapter

the second book of the artsWhere stories live. Discover now