〰CHAPTER 8- February 24th, 2013〰

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I woke up the next morning and I looked around. All of Ariana's clothes were gone.

Was I just her booty call? It didn't really matter to me because that booty call was great. But did she care about me or not? Did that actually help jog her memory? What was I saying, it was just an excuse... Or was it?

I walked out into the kitchen in my boxers and an old T-shirt. I heard talking and I was expecting it to be my mother and one of her friends over for breakfast... But it wasn't...

It was my mom showing Ariana a photo album of me as a kid. I was embarrassed because in a couple of them I was naked. Wait. She literally just saw me naked... and I saw her naked... Cool.

My mom had made her pancakes and a cup of coffee. My mom was just wearing an old bathrobe, but Ariana was wearing one of my shirts that was way too big on her and she was also wearing my gym shorts.

Noticing that I was looking at her wardrobe, she said," June's washing my clothes so she let me borrow yours, is that okay?" she said.

June? She was addressing my mother by her first name? Ew. But I couldn't ignore the fact that she looked absolutely adorable. Last night she had looked like a gangster fresh out of prison, but now she looked like the most innocent girl in the world.

"Yeah, it's fine," she said.

"She's a sweet girl," my mom said.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

After a second of me and Ariana looking into each other's familiar eyes, we were interrupted by my mom," Do you want some chocolate-chip pancakes?"

"That sounds great," I said, not taking my eyes off Ariana.

During the whole breakfast we were holding hands. It was like she had returned to her old self. Without her gun, pocket knife, nose piercing, ripped-up jeans, and black leather jacket she looked like the Ariana she was before... But her hair was still black. I kind of liked it though.

After that, we both took showers and my mom dropped us off at Ariana's house so she could get her old clothes.

It took her an hour to get ready. I didn't mind though. I knew that she would look perfect when she came out. And she did.

She had her straight black hair in a ponytail, she wore a white dress with red flowers on it, and she wore blue heels.

She opened her garage, and sitting there was a motorcycle.

"You're kidding," I said.

"Don't be such a baby," she said while hopping onto the motorcycle and adjusting her helmet." You coming?” she said.

"Fine." I said reluctantly.

She gave me a helmet, pink of course, and then we were off. She drove us to Disneyland. How ironic. She was an actress on Nickelodeon and she was taking me to Disneyland. I chuckled silently, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing," I said.

I was glad she had dyed her hair black, even though I didn't like it as much as her red or brunette hair, but nobody noticed her with her black hair.

We stayed there all night; we probably went on every ride at least twice in both parks. She got scared on some of the rides, but I was there, even though I think she was faking just to make everything more romantic.

We were there from 3:00 PM to 11:00 PM, which was the time the park closed. When we came home my mom didn't really care; I could tell she trusted Ariana. They must have been up for hours before I came to the table.

"You want to spend the night?" I asked, desperately hoping she would say yes.

"I can't. I don't want to be a burden," she said.

"No, it's fine. Really," I said.

"I'm sorry. I really have to go," she said.

"Then drive safe. I don't want you to get into another coma and have your next hair color be blonde," I responded. I really wanted her to stay, but she couldn't.

She kissed me and then I waved her off, watching her until she turned the corner and went out of sight. I had butterflies in my stomach. We were still together. Through our hardships and I was proud of that.

They say love lasts a lifetime, but our love, true love, would last forever.

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