〰CHAPTER 9- April 1st, 2014〰

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"I hate you never talk to me ever again. -Ariana" my phone reads.

        I don't understand her. We haven't talked in over A YEAR. Okay. Everything's fine. Maybe someone took my phone and texted her? No. That's not possible. I am the most anti-social person, but I'm always on Tumblr on my phone, and I have a passcode. Let me just read through my texts... Nothing. What did I do? All of this makes me remember how much I love her. She's angry at me for a reason I don't know, but I love her, so I'll do anything to make it up to her... I just don't know how... Wait. I'll text her back pretending to be all cool like I'm glad that she hates me, but I'm obviously not. God, I miss her.

        "That's cool. -Nicholas" I respond.

        Was that too nonchalant? Maybe I should've said something instead of "That's cool." I'm such an idiot somet--

        I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, but I hesitate.

        What is she going to say? That she's moved on? Please god; please don't tell me that she's moved on. Just open it already, you idiot.

        I go to unlock my phone, but right when I'm about to check my texts, my phone runs out of battery.

        Ugh. Why do bad things happen to good people? It's fine I'll just get my charger. WHERE THE HELL IS MY CHARGER? I hate my life.

        I look around for a good 15 minutes and then I find a charger. I immediately plug in my phone. I sit down and watch TV with my heart racing waiting for my phone to charge.   

        Why does this wretched phone take so long to turn on?

        I hear the sound of my phone turning on, but I have to wait five minutes for it to get enough of a charge so it doesn't turn off right away.

        I pick up my phone and type in my password so fast that I have to try multiple to get it right. I check my text and it says," We need to talk. I'm coming over in 20 minutes."

        What?! How long ago was this? 20 MINUTES AGO.

        I decide to go upstairs and get ready as quick as humanly possible. But then I hear the doorbell ring, I'm in my boxers and a baggy t-shirt. I don't care anymore though, I just want to figure things out. I open the door.

        "April Fools!" Ariana says right before giving me a long overdue kiss.

        Ah shit. She got me.                                       

        There's an awkward silence before I kiss her back.

        "God, I've missed you so much," she says.

                                                                              Tell me about it.

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