The Guilt

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Josh fell asleep in the bathroom, on the cold floor. The next day, Tyler unlocked the door with a key, and saw Josh. Josh was awake now, but not looking good. He looked...sick? Josh was biting his lip, which made it bleed a lot. 

Tyler shook Josh, until Tyler fell back. Josh had pushed him. 



"I killed someone..." Josh whimpered out, and started crying. His hands were trembling. "DAMNIT! DAMNIT...FUCK!" He shouted out, and pulled his hair. "Tell me it will be ok..."

"Joshua... I-I can't promise anything." Tyler gulped.

Joshua began to cry, "I get it.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.."

Tyler went silent. He didn't know how to comfort Josh. He couldn't tell him a lie. The cops would be on him soon. So why lie? Why hide the truth from poor, innocent.. Okay not so innocent Josh?

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