Chapter 1

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It's been 7 years since Vic and I broke up. It's actually the anniversary of the day it all happened.

Ever since that day, 7 years ago, I haven't dated or hooked up with a single person. The guys in Sleeping with Sirens constantly nag me about it, especially Nick and Gabe. They tell me to get out of bed and go let loose a little bit.

That's the thing though, I don't want to. I wanted Vic, and Vic was all I would ever make an effort for again.

Since we broke up, we both formed bands. I always kept up to date on Vic, just to see how he's doing and how happy he is. Pierce the Veil is his band, and it's very, very successful, just like Sleeping with Sirens.

Vic also has a really pretty girlfriend, one I could never compete with. Her name is Danielle Victoria Perry, and she's a model. She's everything I couldn't be.

Every time I see pictures of them I get upset, because, at the end of the day I should be the one kissing Vic and smiling with him. I should be spending all of my time with him, but he refuses to listen to my story. He doesn't know how it actually happened.

He doesn't know that I was raped all those years ago.

None of that mattered now though, it was seven years later and Vic was over me, it hurt to say the least.

I sighed and sat at my island counter in the middle of my kitchen, when my phone started to go off. I recognized the number as my managers and I answered it.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Kellin, hey, I was calling to see that you got the message. Pierce the Veil wants to do a collaboration with you, apparently it's due to popular demand and all the kids are begging for it. This could be great for Sleeping with Sirens." He beamed.

"Uh, yeah, let them know I said yeah," I said to him.

"Great, we'll have you and Pierce the Veil in touch soon." He said, before hanging up.

I set my phone on the counter with an exasperated sigh. I wasn't sure how I felt now, seeing Vic after 7 years was exciting, but I was so anxious, what if he didn't realize I was the lead singer of this band? What if he didn't want me there or what if we didn't get along? What if Mike starts with me? What if they all hate me? I couldn't handle that when I so desperately needed Vic in the first place. Vic made things feel okay, Vic made me feel better inside, mentally.

I just knew one thing. As soon as I saw Vic I would be crashing to the ground again. I missed him so much, and seeing him will only make me want him more than I already crave him.


I walked into the double doors to the huge recording studio that I stood in front of just mere moments before. I found my way through the main part of the studio, to a conference room and noted that my manager, plus Pierce the Veil and their manager were already here.

"Hi, sorry I'm late," I introduced myself. "I'm Kellin Quinn, lead singer of Sleeping with Sirens," I informed them. My manager patted the chair next to him and I went to sit beside him.

I noticed Mike giving me a less than impressed look. He definitely remembered me. I wish that they knew what actually happened, that I could fix all of this. What if Vic didn't believe me though? Besides, now was not the time.

"Great, so Pierce the Veil will be working on a song with Kellin Quinn. Studio recording sessions will be starting at 9am, every morning until we come upon completion," Vic said, more to me and my manager, Cody, than anything. He probably already planned this with Pierce the Veil and their manager.

"Great, I'm Cody," my manager introduced himself.

"Lisa," the other bands manager said.

"Nice to meet you, Lisa," Cody said as he stood to shake her hand. Moments later they were saying their goodbyes and heading out the door.

I stood and so did Tony, Mike, Jaime and Vic. We all headed back out to the main room of the studio where all the equipment was.

"I'm Vic," he introduced himself to me. I felt my heart drop. Did he forget me?

"Kellin," I said and shaked his hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Kellin," Vic said. "That's Mike, Tony and Jaime." He introduced them. I nodded. This was going to be fun.

I nodded and we all chatted for a while, using today as a day to get comfortable with eachother.

"I should head out," I started. "I've got things to do." I told them.

"Okay, Kellin," Vic said. I realized he followed me outside so I stopped and looked at him.

"I want you to know I'm over you, over us, whatever we had. We're done, so don't try to get back with me because I'm happy in the relationship that I have, so don't try to get in the way of it." He said, his look was cold. "You ruined us. This is on you, and I don't want to be the one who gets punished for it." He told me. "This," he said, referring to what was going on. "This is strictly business and nothing more."

I simply nodded, holding back tears as he spoke. "I really gotta go," I urged him, then got in my car. I started it and buckled before I sped off, going home. Why were things so shitty? Why didn't things work out for me?

It wasn't my fault any of this happened and I didn't ask for it, but it was even worse now because Vic was just being an inconsiderate asshole. I needed him to know none of it was supposed to happen, that none of it was my choice.

He would know one day, but for now, I had to take it day by day. I had to be strong in order for anything to work out. If it's meant to be, it'll happen, if it's not, it won't.

A/N: Yay first chapter!! Who else is psyched?

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